The entrance/exit to the Victoria Line is the first passage from the east end of platform 1.
Descend 17 steps, going southeast. Follow the wall round curving left, descend 13, going northeast, into the passage towards the escalators to the Victoria Line. Two passages from the eastbound, platform 2 come in from the left. The first of these is an entrance/exit, the second is exit only, from platform 2.
Taking the first passage from the east end of the platform, descend 15 then 15 steps, going northeast then turn left towards the escalators.
From the second or third passage from the east end of platform 2, or the foot of the stairs from the circle line concourse, follow the passage (northeast), descend 8 then 9 steps. The passage bears right, east, descend 13 steps and continue to the end of the passage before turning left on to the escalator.
The downward escalator goes north into a circulating area near the northern end of the island platform.
4 passages to platform 3, northbound |
intercom blank door manned assistance booth blank door boxes jutting out from wall |
4 passages to platform 4, southbound |
2 up escalators down escalator |
© 2003 Terry Robinson