
The station is located on a forecourt off the south side of Cassiobury Park Avenue (east/west), to the west of the station approach road (southwest)

Entrances and Exits

The station has a single exit, via double doors, onto a forecourt which consists of a pavement bordering a triangular car park. Cassiobury Park Avenue, running east/west, forms the north side and the station approach road runs southwest, towards Rickmansworth Road. The station building occupies the southwest side of the forecourt.

The pavement runs across the station building and along the southeast side of the car park, parallel to the approach road.

The approach road slopes down, as you leave Cassiobury Park Avenue and pass the southeast side of the car park. There are car parking bays off the opposite (southeast side) of the approach road. Nine steps, going up northwest, lead from the approach road, onto the forecourt, in front of the door to the taxi office, at the southeast end of the station building.

The Forecourt

Southeast Side, Going Southwest

  railings with bike parks
"parking" sign
lamp post
phone box
wall round stairs juts out, note there's an obstacle between the phone box and the wall
steps down to the approach road

Southwest Side, Going Northwest

  blank wall
wall juts northeast.

Northwest Side

  taxi office, opposite the steps from the approach road

Continuing Southwest Side of the Forecourt

  shop, door at northwest end
station entrance, double door
blank door

There's a covered area, outside the station entrance, supported by two pillars, on the edge of the pavement, one opposite each side of the doors. There's a post box, on the outer edge of the pavement, a few metres northwest of these pillars.

See our guide to Watford town centre for details of the route to the High Street.

Local Buses

On the South Side of Cassiobury Park Avenue

The stop for the 352 to Hemel Hempstead and the W30 to Watford Business Park is a few metres west of the forecourt.

On the North Side of Cassiobury Park Avenue

The stop for these buses in the opposite direction is opposite the forecourt.

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© 2008, Terry Robinson

This guide is sponsored by
The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust
in collaboration with Action for Blind People
to whom we extend our sincere thanks.