We describe routes from each entrance to each platform, although you're less likely to need to reach platforms 4 - 8 from the Victoria Viaduct entrance. It may be easier to go to the main entrance. Visit the Environs page for details.
Note, at the time of our survey, there was no tactile paving along the edge of any platforms.
Continue, through the three sections, before you go through the automatic door onto the area beside platform 4.
You can either use the steps or ramp to the bridge. Continue left(about 10 o'clock) and locate the steps to the bridge. If you need the ramp, move to your left and continue past the phones and photo booth to locate the ramp to your right. Cross the bridge onto the middle of platform 3.
Go through one of the gaps through to the other side of the island platform, there's one between the foot of the ramp and steps from the bridge.
If you used the ramp, continue beyond the end of the building, onto platform 2. From the steps, turn back (180 degrees) and continue beyond the end of the building. Note that platform 2 is signed as being to each side of the single track which enters the island platform.
Continue forward, through the gap in the rail, onto platform 4.
Once on platform 4, turn left and continue beyond the concourse to your left, till you reach the island platform, with platform 5 to your left.
Turn left, from the automatic doors and follow the station wall out of the concourse. Be sure you're to your right of the rail separating the platform from the ramp to the car park, just beyond the end of the building.
Continue, through the gap in the rail onto platform 4 and turn right. Continue beyond the end of the concourse onto the island platform with platform 7 to your right.
Rather than negotiating your way through the seating area towards the west end of the concourse, it may be easier to continue, through the gap in the rail onto platform 4 then turn right. Follow the railings, beyond the end of the concourse then turn right then left along the station wall. Platform 8 begins after a few metres.
Go down the ramp. At the foot of the ramp, platform 1 is to your right, platform 3 to your left, you're before the front of the trains.
Continue along either platform, beyond the building. Note that platform 2 is signed as being to each side of the single track which enters this island platform.
Continue along platform 3, till you locate the steps to the bridge, beside the building. If you need the ramp, continue past the steps and locate the foot of the ramp, beyond these. Cross the bridge, you're in the concourse.
Turn away from the station building (left from the steps, right from the ramp) and continue towards platform 4. You'll need to locate a gap in the rail between the concourse and the platform.
Having reached platform 4, turn left and continue onto the island platform with platform 5 to your left.
On reaching the concourse, continue forward from the foot of the ramp (turn bak 180 degrees from the steps) and continue, following the station wall to the end. Move right here to be sure to avoid the ramp to the car park and continue forward onto platform 6.
Having reached platform 4, turn right and continue onto the island platform shared with platform 5, to your right.
Having reached platform 4, turn right, continue to the end of the railings on your right then turn right. Continue to the wall in front of you then turn left. Platform 8 begins after a few metres.
© 2007, Terry Robinson