From Platform 1, Mainline From Platforms 2 and 3, Mainline From Platform 4, Mainline From Platforms 5 and 6, Central Line From Platforms 7 and 8, District Line From Platform 9, District Line |
This platform is seldom visited by trains stopping at this station.
Go to the front of the train and locate the steps up, at the end of the platform. Go up two flights of steps onto the south bridge and turn right.
To the Mainline, Platforms 2 - 3 To Other Platforms |
take the first turning right and go down a flight of steps to a landing. Turn right (180 degrees and down a flight of steps to the second landing. Turn right again (180 degrees) and go down a flight of steps to platform level, platform 3 is to your left, you're at the front of the train.
Platform 2, which is seldom visited by trains stopping at this station, is to your right, you'd be at the rear of the train.
Platform 2 is seldom visited by trains which stop at this station.
Go to the rear of the train (eastbound, platform 2) or front (westbound, platform 3) and locate the steps up at the end of the platform. Note, that these steps start on platform 3, but there's a wooden rail extending south from the foot of the steps, part way across platform 2.
Go up a flight of steps, preferably using the left-hand set, onto the landing, turn left (180 degrees) and go up a second flight to a landing. Turn left again (180 degrees) and up another flight of steps onto the south bridge.
To the Mainline, Platform 1 To Other Platforms |
Turn left and continue to the wall in front of you, then turn left again. Go down two flights of steps onto the platform, you're at the front of the train.
Note, this platform is seldom visited by trains stopping at this station.
We recommend that you don't go beyond the second shelter on this platform.
Turn right and go down eight steps to concourse level then locate the main steps down, on your right. Go down two flights of steps, to platform level.
Turn right and continue to the end of the building on your right. You're on platform 4, near the rear of the train.
Go forward, passing the kiosk on your left. A metal rail runs along the edge of each platform. Platform 5 is to your right, a few metres east of platform 6, to your left. You're at the rear of the train.
Turn left and continue to the foot of the double set of steps from the north bridge, to your left.
for platform 7, turn right here and continue, past the end of the building on your right. A metal rail runs along the platform to the rear of the train.
For platform 8, continue forward, beyond the steps, you're on platform 8, near the rear of the train.
For platform 9, turn left beyond the foot of the stairs and continue, up the slope at the end of the platform. Follow the left-hand rail round, to your right, down the slope onto platform 9. You're before the rear of the train, so continue forward a few metres, beware the under side of the steps coming down on the left-hand side of the platform.
Go towards the rear of the train. Note that the platform extends beyond this, into an area which we're not supposed to visit. Locate the building and turn right into the turning before this and continue to the foot of the main steps to your left.
To the Mainline, Platforms 1 - 3
To the Central Line, Platforms 5 - 6 To the District Line, Platforms 7 - 9 |
Go forward a few metres to be beside the second set of the main steps then turn right. Go forward, passing the kiosk on your left. A metal rail runs along the edge of each platform. Platform 5 is to your right, a few metres east of platform 6, to your left. You're at the rear of the train.
Continue to the foot of the double set of steps from the north bridge, to your left.
for platform 7, turn right here and continue, past the end of the building on your right. A metal rail runs along the platform to the rear of the train.
For platform 8, continue forward, beyond the steps, you're on platform 8, near the rear of the train.
For platform 9, turn left beyond the foot of the stairs and continue, up the slope at the end of the platform. Follow the left-hand rail round, to your right, down the slope onto platform 9. You're before the rear of the train, so continue forward a few metres, beware the under side of the steps coming down on the left-hand side of the platform.
If you arrive on platform 5, the doors will open on your right as you face the front of the train, to your left on platform 6.
Note, we recommend you keep towards the front of the train as this is the western terminus of the line.
Continue, past the front of the train to the main steps to the concourse.
To the Mainline, Platforms 1 - 3 To the Mainline, Platform 4 To the District Line, Platforms 7 - 9 |
Turn left and continue to the end of the building on your right. You're on platform 4, near the rear of the train.
Turn right and continue to the foot of the double set of steps from the north bridge, to your left.
For platform 7, turn right here and continue, past the end of the building on your right. A metal rail runs along the platform to the rear of the train.
For platform 8, continue forward, beyond the steps, you're on platform 8, near the rear of the train.
For platform 9, turn left beyond the foot of the stairs and continue, up the slope at the end of the platform. Follow the left-hand rail round, to your right, down the slope onto platform 9. You're before the rear of the train, so continue forward a few metres, beware the under side of the steps coming down on the left-hand side of the platform.
Note that platform 7 is located some distance east of platform 8 and 9. Since this is the western terminus, we recommend you get off near the front of the train.
If you arrive on platform 8, the doors open on your left as you face the
front of the train. The front passenger door of the train stops outside
the London Underground Assistance office
If you're so far forward, follow the fence back to the foot of the steps.
The doors open on your right on platforms 7 and 9. If you arrive on platform 9, near the front of the train, you'll find a wall in front of you as you get offr the train.
Otherwise, you're on an island platform 7 - 8. Continue forward, past the building to your left and the gap to the lower number platforms, to the foot of the steps from the north bridge.
To the Mainline, Platforms 1 - 3 To the Mainline, Platform 4 To the Central Line, Platforms 5 - 6 To Platform 9 |
From facing the foot of the steps to the north bridge, turn left and continue, past the foot of the main steps to your right, to the end of the building. You're on platform 4, near the rear of the train.
From facing the foot of the stairs to the north bridge, turn left and continue to the foot of the main steps from the concourse, to your right. Ideally, you should find the third set of four, before turning left.
Go forward, passing the kiosk on your left. A metal rail runs along the edge of each platform. Platform 5 is to your right, a few metres east of platform 6, to your left. You're at the rear of the train.
From facing the foot of the steps to the north bridge, turn right, then left and continue, up the slope at the end of the platform. Follow the left-hand rail round, to your right, down the slope onto platform 9. You're before the rear of the train, so continue forward a few metres, beware the under side of the steps coming down on the left-hand side of the platform.
the doors open on your right as you face the front of the train. We recommend you get off near the front and go to the end of the platform and use the small bridge to platform 8. You can then reach platforms 4 - 8 from here and platforms 1 - 3 via the main steps.
As you go to the end of the plattform, you can go between the wall (on your right) and the wooden outer rail. There's a raised drain against the wall. If you find this go left to locate the outer rail and follow it back (east) to the foot of the slope, before going west up the slope. Otherwise, you could go down three steps to a blank door.
Follow the outer rail round to your left, down the slope onto platform 8. Continue forwad a few metres to the rear of the train which will be outside the London Underground Assistance office to your right. Continue forwards, to the foot of the steps from the north bridge.
To the Mainline, Platforms 1 - 3 To the Mainline, Platform 4 To the Central Line, Platforms 5 - 6 |
From facing the foot of the steps to the north bridge, turn left and continue to the foot of the main steps to the concourse to your right.
Go up two flights of steps to concourse level, turn left and go up eight steps onto the south bridge.
For platform 1, continue to the end, turn left and go down two flights of
steps onto the platform, you're at the front of the train. Note, this platform is
seldom visited by trains stopping at this station.
We also recommend that you don't go beyond the second shelter on this
For platform 2 - 3, take the first turning left from the top of the steps onto the south bridge. Go down a flight of stairs onto a landing, turn right (180 degrees), go down another flight of steps to a second landing, turn right again (180 degrees) and down a third flight of steps to platform level. You're on platform 3, at the front of the train. Platform 2, which is seldom visited by trains stopping at this station, is to your right, you'd be at the rear of the train.
© 2003, Terry Robinson