The Car Parks
There's a long and short stay car park in this station.
The short stay car park is beyond (east of) the turning circle at the end of the taxi access road. a spur leading left (north) from this turning circle leads to accessible parking bays to the east of the main building.
The Long Stay Car Park
This is a large area extending east from the southeast corner of the station towards the vehicle entrance from New Street. There is pedestrian access to the car park via either lift or steps to the main bridge.
At the time of our survey, we saw a notice saying that between 0 and two hours cost £3.50.
To Reach
Via Steps from the Bridge
Note that the top of the steps is one flight above the south end of the main bridge.
Via Lift from the Bridge
See the lifts page for details.
You go over a lip in the floor into the passage which turns left towards the lift, the call button is to your left of the door. Go down to Level 0 (the car park), leave via the other doors then turn left and go down the ramp into the car park.
Via steps from Waverley Court
Waverley Court is the area to the west of the City of Edinburgh Council building. Turning left (north) from East Market Street, you go down a slope then down 11 then 13 steps, going north to the Council car park. There is no tactile paving at the top or bottom of these steps, which have a single hand rail in the middle. There's a lift, presumably into the Council building just east of the foot of the steps, details of this lie beyond the scope of this survey.
By car from Market Street
As you go (east) on Market Street, you reach a junction with Jeffrey Street leading right and East Market Street, continuing east, down the hill. Follow East Market Street to the turning left (New Street) then turn left. Continue (north) down a steep slope past a goods entrance to the Council Building then the entrance then exit for the Council car park. Beyond this is the entrance then exit for the Station car park There's a “Welcome to Waverley Station Car Park” sign before the entrance.
The vehicle entrance from New Street is at the east end, whilst the steps and lift onto the bridge are at the west. The large building within this space is not of public concern.
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© 2010, Terry Robinson