We understand that all through platforms in this station are bi-directional and are allocated according to immediate demand. We cannot, therefore, give any guidance as to which platform you'll be at when you arrive. We are assured that platforms 2, 11 and 19 are preferred for long, cross boarder trains, with 8 and 9 being used if necessary.
The 18 platforms in this station will be considered in six groups:
In this section, we'll describe the routes from each of these groups of platforms to the following five exits:
The sixth exit, via the bridge to Calton Road is reached from platforms 2 and 3 so we'll describe the route from this group of platforms. The Change Platforms section will explain how to reach platforms 2 and 3 from other platforms within the station.
From Platforms 1 and 20 From Platforms 2, 3 and 19 From Platforms 4, 7 and 11 From Platforms 8 and 9 From Platform 10 From Platforms 12 to 18 |
We suggest you ask someone to tell you at which platform you've arrived before getting off the train. There are stairs up to the bridge from each platform and the lift is between these two sets of stairs.
We hope the following will prove helpful:
There is tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.
Via Which Route?
Via the Lift Via the Stairs |
See the lifts page for details.
The lift faces along platform 20 from a point about in the middle of the space between the two sets of stairs. The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level and leave via the same set of doors, the steps down to platform 20 are in front of you with the path towards the Waverley Steps to your left of these. Move forward a couple of meters, beyond the short wall on your left, then turn left onto the bridge.
From here, there is lift access to the long stay car park and to the concourse, from where you can leave the station via either of the vehicle access roads, or via taxi. Note, however, that these ramps may be a bit steep for some users. there is stairs access from the bridge to Princes Street via the Waverley Steps and to Market Street.
To Which Exit?
To the Taxi Pick-Up Point Via the Vehicle Access Roads To the Car Park To Princes Street To market Street |
Turn left at the top of the slight slope, the lift to platforms 11 to 19 should be in front of you, with the call button to your right of the door. Go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors and move to the rail on your left. Continue to the end, then turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
Turn left at the top of the slight slope, the lift to platforms 11 to 19 should be in front of you, with the call button to your right of the door. Go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors, turn left (180 degrees), continue forward for a few metres then turn right. The taxi access road is in front of you, there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11 (where you are), the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi road.
Turn left and continue, up the slope, there's a rail to your left, onto the Waverley Bridge. See the Environs page for details.
Continue, past the gate line, some distance to your left. You pass the building, with Boots and Upper Crust, jutting out, before you reach the access road. If you find yourself beside the escalators, you've overshot. This road isn't nearly as busy as the taxi road, though you'll need to be careful, not to go too far and follow the road into the British Transport Police building. It may be better to turn left, immediately beyond the building and cross the road at the foot of the ramp, then turn left. Continue, up the ramp, there's a rail to your left, onto the Waverley Bridge. See the Environs page for details.
As you reach the foot of the steps up, towards Market Street, turn right into the passage, which turns left towards the lift. The call button is to your left of the door, go down to Level 0 and leave via the other set of doors. Turn left and continue down the ramp into the car park.
Turn right, continue across the bridge then along the path with a barrier to each side, to the barrier in front of you then turn right. The Waverley Steps are in front of you> See the environs page for details.
Continue, to the end of the bridge then go up three flights of steps to Market Street. See the environs page for details.
If you leave platform 1, you go up three flights of steps, move left a little then go up another flight onto the bridge. From Platform 20, you go up a flight of steps, the staircase now widens before you go up three flights of steps then along a short passage, onto the bridge.
To Which Exit?
To Princes Street Via the Waverley Steps To the Taxi Pick-Up Point Via the Vehicle Access roads to the Waverley Bridge To Market Street To the Car Park |
If you came from platform 1, continue forward. If you came from platform 20, turn right (180 degrees) at the end of the short passage.
Follow the right-hand wall then take the turning right, up the Waverley Steps, to Princes Street. See the environs page for more details.
We think it would be easier to use the stairs beside the taxi access road. If you came from platform 1, turn left and continue to the next turning left. If you came from platform 20, turn right, continue forward for a few metres to pass the steps from platform 1, then follow the left-hand side till you reach the first turning.
This is the top of the stairs to the concourse, beside the main building. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level then turn right (180 degrees) and continue forward for a few metres. You're on the right-hand side of the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful! turn left, cross the road then turn left again. the rear of the lift building is in front of you with the taxi queue beyond this on your left. there is tactile paving along the edge of this platform, go beyond the lift then follow the rail on your left to the end. Turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
You can go into the concourse via escalator or via either set of stairs from the bridge. The stairs beside the escalators are nearer the authorised vehicle access road, whilst the other stairs bring you beside the taxi access road.
If you came from platform 1, continue across the main section of the bridge then follow the left-hand side and turn left.
If you came from platform 20, follow the barrier on your right to the end then turn right (180 degrees), continue, following the left-hand side then take the turning left.
As you follow the barrier on your left, you pass the top of the stairs, then the downward escalator. The upward escalator is beyond this. You can either use the escalator, or go down four flights of steps into the concourse.
At concourse level, turn right, pass the escalator(s) on your right, you're now beside the U-turn in the access road from the ramp towards the British Transport Police building. Go forward about five metres before turning right then continue up the ramp. If you find yourself on a level road with a wall on your left, you're heading for the BTP building, turn back and follow the right-hand side round (180 degrees) onto the ramp.
There's a rail along the left-hand side of the pavement, continue onto the Waverley Bridge. See the Environs page for more details.
We think it would be easier to use the stairs beside the taxi access road. If you came from platform 1, turn left and continue to the next turning left. If you came from platform 20, turn right, continue forward for a few metres to pass the steps from platform 1 then follow the left-hand side till you reach the first turning.
This is the top of the stairs to the concourse, beside the main building. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level then turn right (180 degrees). You're on the right-hand side of the taxi access road, continue, past the concourse to your right, then up the ramp. The pavement is along the right-hand side and there's a rail to your left. Continue onto the Waverley Bridge. See the Environs page for more details.
If you came from platform 1, turn left, otherwise, from platform 20, turn right. Continue to the end of the bridge, then up three flights of steps onto Market Street. See the Environs page for details.
If you came from platform 1, turn left, otherwise, from platform 20, turn right. Continue to the end of the bridge then go up one flight of steps. Take the turning left then go down two longer flights then a single step, into the car park.
Platforms 2 and 19 are bi-directional through platforms which are normally used for long, cross-boarder trains. Platform 3 is a terminus platform, which can only be reached via platform 2.
We suggest you ask someone to tell you at which platform you've arrived before getting off the train. The stairs and escalators to the bridge are beside the beginning of platform 19, whilst the lift is on the opposite side of the concourse, in the middle of platform 11.
Platform 2 begins beyond the North Mall, so the recommended entrance/exit to this platform is via the walkway towards the accessible parking bays.
We hope the following will prove helpful:
There is tactile paving along the edge of these platforms. Although platforms 2 and 19 are physically joined we found the area outside the rear of the North Mall blocked during one of our visits.
From these platforms:
To Which Exit?
We see little point in making your way through the concourse or over the bridge to reach the taxi access road, as an alternative way to reach the Waverley Bridge. Our route to the taxi pick-up point is explained elsewhere in this section.
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the foot of the stairs or escalators then turn left.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall.
Continue, past the stairs and escalators on your right, you're now beside the U-turn in the access road from the ramp towards the British Transport Police building. Go forward about five metres before turning right then continue up the ramp. If you find yourself on a level road with a wall on your left, you're heading for the BTP building, turn back and follow the right-hand side round (180 degrees) onto the ramp.
There's a rail along the left-hand side of the pavement, continue onto the Waverley Bridge. See the Environs page for more details.
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the end of the main building then turn left.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall.
Continue, past the stairs and escalators on your right. Continue, past the main building on your left. Beyond the end of this building is the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. Although we understand pedestrians have priority, be careful!
Cross the taxi access road and turn left. You're on platform 11, which has tactile paving along the edge. The rear of the lift building is in front of you, you need to go past this then locate the rail on your left. Go left (180 degrees) around the far end of this rail to join the queue.
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the foot of the escalators or stairs. The stairs are to your right followed by the down then up escalator.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall, you pass the foot of the stairs, then the downward and upward escalator.
If you use the stairs, you go up four flights of steps onto the bridge.
Go up onto the bridge and turn right. The Waverley Steps are in front of you. See the environs page for more details.
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the foot of the escalators or stairs. The stairs are to your right followed by the down then up escalator.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall, you pass the foot of the stairs, then the downward and upward escalator.
If you use the stairs, you go up four flights of steps onto the bridge.
Go up onto the bridge and turn right. The Waverley Steps are in front of you. Continue, beyond the top of the stairs, then take the turning right towards the main bridge. Take the turning right, continue over the bridge then go up three flights of steps to Market Street. See the environs page for details.
Via Which Route?
Via the Stairs Via the Lift |
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the foot of the escalators or stairs. The stairs are to your right followed by the down then up escalator.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall, you pass the foot of the stairs, then the downward and upward escalator.
If you use the stairs, you go up four flights of steps onto the bridge.
Go up onto the bridge and turn right. The Waverley Steps are in front of you. Continue, beyond the top of the stairs, then take the turning right towards the main bridge. Take the turning right, continue over the bridge then go up one flight of steps, turn left then go down two longer flights then a single step into the car park.
See the lifts page for details.
Go towards the North Mall, turn left before this building then take the turning right and continue to the end of the main building and turn left.
Go into the concourse, between the foot of the stairs and escalators to the bridge and the North Mall, you pass the foot of the stairs, then the downward and upward escalator.
Continue, past the main building on your left. Beyond the end of this building is the taxi access road, note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful!
Cross the taxi access road and turn left, you're now on platform 11. there is tactile paving along the edge of this platform. The rear of the lift building is in the middle of the platform, in front of you.
Continue to the far side of the lift building then turn back to the door, the call button is to your right of the door. Go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors and continue, across the bridge then turn left.
You'll pass the lifts to platform 10, then 8 and 9 to your right before you reach the passage towards the lift to the car park. turn right here, then left towards the lift door. The call button is to your left of the door, go down to Level 0, leave via the other set of doors then turn left and continue, down the ramp, into the car park.
The foot of the stairs to this bridge is beside platform 2, though you'll need to go into the walkway towards platform 3 to reach these, as described above.
You go up two flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left. After crossing platform 1, the bridge veers right. Continue to the end, the floor slopes down to your left. Turn left and go down two flights of steps to pavement level. There are bollards across the foot of these steps. Move right onto the left-hand side of Calton Road.
Platforms 7 and 11 are bi-directional through platforms. We understand platform 11 is normally used for long, cross-boarder trains - our Cross country train arrived at platform 7. Platform 4 is a terminus platform, on the opposite side of the taxi access road.
We suggest you ask someone to tell you at which platform you've arrived before getting off the train. The lift to the bridge is near the beginning of platform 11, whilst there are stairs beside the main building. The other stairs and escalators are on the opposite side of the concourse, beside platform 19, so we won't include those in these directions.
We hope the following will prove helpful:
There is tactile paving along the edge of platform 11 but none on platforms 4 and 7.
From these platforms:
If you're on platforms 7 or 11, you may as well use the lift rather than cross the road. If you came from platform 4, you may as well use the stairs beside the main building, unless you need the lift on platform 11. See the lifts page for details.
To Which Exit?
To the Waverley Bridge To the Taxi Pick-Up Point To Princes Street via the Waverley Steps To market Street To the Car Park |
Continue, past the main building, avoid the foot of the stairs to the bridge then continue past the concourse to your right, up the ramp of the taxi access road.
Continue onto platform 11, beyond the lift, then turn right towards the taxi access road.
Turn left before the lift, if you find a rail in front of you, move to your left then turn right at the end, towards the access road.
Note that there's little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the taxi access road and the concourse. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, turn left and continue up the ramp.
The pavement is on the right-hand side of this road with a rail to your left. See the Environs page for details.
Continue beyond the main building and the foot of the steps on your right then turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the access road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, turn left and continue beyond the lift building on your right. Follow the rail on your left to the end then turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
Continue towards platform 11, you should find a rail on your right before you reach the lift building. move to your right-hand side of this rail to join the queue.
Continue towards platform 7, beyond the lift building then follow the rail on your left to the end then turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
If you're happy to use the stairs, continue beside the main building on your right. The foot of the steps is in front of you. Go up two flights of steps onto the bridge and turn right.
If you need the lift, go round the steps and continue into the concourse then turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the access road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then continue forward about three metres then turn left. You're on platform 11, with the rear of the lift building in front of you.
Continue towards platform 11, the lift building is in front of you, in the middle of the platform.
Continue towards platform 7, the lift building is in the middle of the platform, you're facing the rear of the building. Go beyond the lift then turn back towards the door.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn right.
Continue, following the left-hand side, then take the first turning left. The second turning, at the end, leads to the steps down to platform 20.
Continue to the barrier in front of you then turn right and continue forward. The Waverley Steps are in front of you. See the Environs page for details.
If you're happy to use the stairs, continue beside the main building on your right. The foot of the steps is in front of you. Go up two flights of steps onto the bridge and turn left.
If you need the lift, go round the steps and continue into the concourse then turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the access road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then continue forward about three metres then turn left. You're on platform 11, with the rear of the lift building in front of you.
Continue towards platform 11, the lift building is in front of you, in the middle of the platform.
Continue towards platform 7, the lift building is in the middle of the platform, you're facing the rear of the building. Go beyond the lift then turn back towards the door.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
Continue, to the end then go up three flights of steps to Market Street. See the Environs page for details.
If you're happy to use the stairs, continue beside the main building on your right. The foot of the steps is in front of you. Go up two flights of steps onto the bridge and turn left.
If you need the lift, go round the steps and continue into the concourse then turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the access road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then continue forward about three metres then turn left. You're on platform 11, with the rear of the lift building in front of you.
Continue towards platform 11, the lift building is in front of you, in the middle of the platform.
Continue towards platform 7, the lift building is in the middle of the platform, you're facing the rear of the building. Go beyond the lift then turn back towards the door.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
From here, you may as well use the lift down to the car park. follow the right-hand side, past the lifts to platform 10, then 8 and 9. You pass the pay machines before you reach the foot of the steps in front of you. Turn right here then left towards the lift door.
The call button is to your left of the door. Go down to Level 0, leave via the other set of doors, turn left and continue down the ramp into the car park.
We understand that the east and west sections of these platforms can be used by six car trains and that longer cross boarder services can occupy a whole platform. We therefore suggest you ask at which platform you've arrived before getting off the train.
There is stairs access to the bridge from the beginning of the east section and lift access from the beginning of the west section of these platforms.
We hope the following proves helpful:
There is no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.
From here:
See the lifts page for details.
To Which Exit?
To Princes Street To Market Street To the Waverley Bridge To the Taxi Pick-Up Point To the Car Park |
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge, but stairs-only access via the Waverley Steps to Princes street.
You go up two flights of steps, then a single step onto the bridge and turn right.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
Follow the left-hand side of the bridge, the first turning leads to the lift to platform 10. Take the next turning left, note that the third turning leads to steps down to platform 20. Continue to the barrier in front of you then turn right, the Waverley Steps are in front of you. See the environs page for details.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge, but stairs-only access onto Market Street.
You go up two flights of steps, then a single step onto the bridge and turn left.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn right.
Continue to the end of the bridge then up three flights of steps onto Market Street. See the environs page for details.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge. From this part of the station, you may as well use the taxi access road which is easily reached via the stairs beside the main building. If you need the lift, you'll then have to cross the taxi access road to reach the pavement. the authorised vehicle access road can be reached by crossing the concourse from the above or via stairs/escalator from the other end of the bridge. Frankly, it's probably easier to walk along the Waverley Bridge.
You go up two flights of steps, then a single step onto the bridge and turn right. As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the steps to platform 10, then the lift to platform 11 before you reach the top of the stairs on your right. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level. turn right (180 degrees) then continue, past the concourse.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left. As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the steps to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platform 11.
The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left (180 degrees), continue to the end of the rail on your right then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road then turn left.
Continue, up the ramp, there's a rail on your left, onto the Waverley Bridge. See the environs page for details.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge, though it's easier to use the lift down to the taxi pick-up point.
You go up two flights of steps, then a single step onto the bridge and turn right.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platform 11. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then move left to the rail. Continue forward to the end of the rail then turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge and from there to the car park.
You go up two flights of steps, then a single step onto the bridge and turn left. Continue, up a flight of steps then turn left, go down two flights of steps, then a single step into the car park.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn right. Take the first turning right, just before the foot of the steps in front of you, then turn left towards the lift. The call button is to your left of the door, go down to Level 0, leave via the other set of doors then turn left and go down the ramp into the car park.
This is a bi-directional platform with the stairs exit near the east end and the lift west of this.
We suggest you ask at which platform you've arrived before getting off the train.
There is tactile paving along the edge of this platform.
From here:
To Which Exit?
To Princes Street To Market Street To the Waverley Bridge To the Taxi Pick-Up Point To the Car Park |
There is stairs or lift access to the bridge, but stairs-only access to Princes Street via the Waverley Steps.
You go up four flights of steps onto the bridge then turn right.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
As you follow the left-hand side, take the first turning left, note that the second turning leads to the steps down to platform 20.
Continue to the barrier in front of you then turn right, the Waverley Steps are in front of you. See the Environs page for details.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge, but stairs-only access to Market Street.
You go up four flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn right.
Continue to the end of the bridge, then up three flights of steps to Market Street. See the Environs page for details.
There is stairs or lift access to the bridge and from there to the concourse and vehicle access roads. It's easier to go down the steps beside the main building and use the taxi access road rather than cross the concourse or go to the other end of the bridge. Frankly, it's easier to walk along the Waverley Bridge itself.
If you need the lift, you'll have to cross the taxi access road from platform 11.
You go up four flights of steps onto the bridge, turn right then pass the lift to platform 11 on your right then take the next turning, which is the steps to the concourse. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level then turn right (180 degrees) and continue, past the concourse, to the ramp.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left. Take the first turning right, towards the lift to platform 11. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left (180 degrees). Continue to the end of the rail on your right then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then turn left and continue, up the ramp. There's a rail to your left, continue onto the Waverley Bridge. See the environs page for details.
There is stairs and lift access to the bridge, though it's easier to use the lift to platform 11.
You go up four flights of steps onto the bridge then turn right.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left.
The first turning right is to the lift to platform 11, the call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then follow the raill on your left. At the end of the rail, turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
There is stairs and lift access between here and the car park.
You go up four flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left. Continue, up a flight of steps then turn left. Go down two flights of steps, then a single step into the car park.
The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors and turn right. Take the second turning right then turn left towards the lift door. The call button is to your left of the door, go down to Level 0, leave via the other set of doors then turn left and go down the ramp into the car park.
These platforms are in the gated section of the station. As you arrive in the station, platform 12 is at the far right of this area, whilst platform 18 is at the far left. Platform 12 is effectively a separate platform, whilst platforms 13 - 14, 15 - 16 and 17-18 are island platforms.
Note that tracks 12 - 13 finish before the building containing the First Scotrail First class Lounge and ticket office, whilst tracks 14 - 15 and 16 - 17 extend towards the gate line. Track 18 finishes before the building underneath the authorised vehicle access road and so is considerably shorter than track 17.
As you face the front of the train, the doors will open on your right at an even-numbered platform, or left at an odd.
If you arrive on platform 12, you'll need to move to your left, as you reach the building in front of you, onto platform 13 to continue to the gate line. Similarly, if you arrive on platform 18, you'll need to move to your right, onto platform 17 as you reach the building in front of you.
At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates, but there are staff at the gate line. You go through the gates into the concourse, the main building is in front of you.
There are various seats and information boards in the open concourse in front of you, though there's a clear walkway to each side. To the left is Boots followed by Upper Crust, whilst to your right is WH Smith.
From here:
to Which Exit?
To the Waverley Bridge To the Taxi Pick-Up Point To Princes Street to Market Street To the Car Park |
Move to your right then continue around the end of the building, turning right (180 degrees in all) onto the pavement beside the taxi access road. Continue, up the ramp, there's a rail on your left, onto the Waverley Bridge.
Move to your left then continue around the end of the building (turning through 90 degrees) to face the access road. You're at the point where this road makes a U-turn (away from you then left) towards the British Transport Police building. We suggest you move left a little way before crossing this road so as to miss this turning. Having crossed the road, turn left and continue up the ramp, there's a rail on your left, onto the Waverley Bridge. If you find yourself on a level road with a wall on your left, you've overshot the ramp and are heading towards the British Transport Police building, turn back then right (180 degrees) around the end of the wall then continue up the ramp. See the Environs page for details.
Move to your right, continue to the end of the building then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road and turn left. You're on platform 11, pass the lift building to your right then follow the rail on your left. At the end of the rail, turn left (180 degrees) to join the queue.
There is stairs, escalator and lift access to the bridge, but stairs-only access from the bridge via the Waverley Steps. The stairs and escalators are beside platform 19, whilst the lift is on platform 11.
Move to your left, continue to the end of the building then turn left. You're now facing the authorised vehicle access road, at the point where it makes a U-turn towards the British Transport Police building. Continue, across this area, the foot of the upward escalator should be in front of you, followed by the downward escalator then the stairs. turn left and go up to the bridge. If you use the stairs, you go up four flights of steps to bridge level.
Turn right and continue to the Waverley Steps, in front of you. See the Environs page for details.
See the lifts page for details.
Move to your right, continue to the end of the building then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road or platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road then turn left. The rear of the lift building is in front of you, to your right, continue forward then follow the building round to your right to face the door. The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level then leave via the other set of doors and turn right.
Follow the left-hand side then take the first turning left. Note that the second turning leads to the steps down to platform 20. Continue to the barrier in front of you then turn right, the Waverley Steps are in front of you. See the Environs page for details.
Rather than go out of your way towards the escalators, you may as well use either the stairs beside the main building or the lift on platform 11.
Move to your right then continue, beyond the building, across the concourse to the corner of the main building, in front of you. Move right then continue, the steps to the bridge are to your left, turn left (180 degrees) and go up two flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left.
See the lifts page for details.
Move to your right, continue to the end of the building then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road or platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road then turn left. The rear of the lift building is in front of you, to your right, continue forward then follow the building round to your right to face the door. The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level then leave via the other set of doors and turn left.
Continue to the end of the bridge then go up three flights of steps to Market Street. See the Environs page for details.
Rather than go out of your way towards the escalators, you may as well use either the stairs beside the main building or the lift on platform 11.
Move to your right then continue, beyond the building, across the concourse to the corner of the main building, in front of you. Move right then continue, the steps to the bridge are to your left, turn left (180 degrees) and go up two flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left. Continue to the end of the bridge then go up one flight of steps, turn left then go down two flights of steps, plus a single step, to the car park.
See the lifts page for details.
Move to your right, continue to the end of the building then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road or platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road then turn left. The rear of the lift building is in front of you, to your right, continue forward then follow the building round to your right to face the door. The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level then leave via the other set of doors and turn left.
Continue to the end of the bridge then take the turning right then turn left to the lift door. The call button is to your left of the door, go down to Level 0, leave via the other set of dorrs, turn left and go down the ramp into the car park.
© 2010, Terry Robinson