
The Platforms

The 18 platforms in this station will be considered in six groups:

See the Detailed Description section of this guide for details. The following brief summary is provided for convenience.

Platforms 1 and 20

These are separate platforms along the north side of the station

Platforms 2, 3 and 19

Platforms 2 and 19 are separate platforms along the north side of the concourse. Platform 3 is a separate platform which is reached via platform 2.

Platforms 4, 7 and 11

Platforms 7 and 11 are separate platforms along the south side of the taxi access road. Platform 4 is a separate platform north of the taxi access road, lying east of the main building.

Platforms 8 and 9

These share an island platform with platform 8 lying south of platform 9. Each of these platforms is divided into an east (E) and west (W) section centred on the stairs and lift.

Platform 10

This is a separate platform along what we believe is the south side of the original station.

Platforms 12 to 18

These platforms are in the gated section of the station. The platforms lead west from the concourse, with platform 12 to the far left and platform 18 to the far right. Platform 12 is effectively a separate platform, whilst platforms 13 - 14, 15 - 16 and 17 - 18 are island platforms. Note that platform 12 starts beyond the left-hand building, whilst platform 18, starts beyond the right-hand building. Tracks 12 - 13 and 18 are considerably shorter than tracks 14 - 15 and 16 - 17, which begin a few metres beyond the gate line.

The Entrances

In this section, we'll describe the routes to each group of platforms from the following six entrances:

The seventh entrance, via the bridge from Calton Road leads to platforms 2 and 3 so we'll only describe the route to this group of platforms. The Change Platforms section will explain how to reach other platforms within the station from platforms 2 and 3.

There is tactile paving along the edge of all platforms except 4, 7, 8 and 9.

From Which Entrance?

  From Princes Street
From Market Street
From the Waverley Bridge
From the Taxi Drop-Off Point
From the Car Park
From Calton Road

From Princes Street

See the Environs page for details of the Waverley Steps.

Go down the steps, onto the bridge. You may notice the change from the concrete of the steps to the metal flooring of the bridge.

From here:

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2,3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18

To Platforms 1 and 20

Take the first turning left and follow the barrier on your left to the end. The steps to platform 1 are in front of you, with the lift to your left of these. The steps to platform 20 are behind you, to your left.

Via the Stairs
To Platform 1

Continue forward, you go down a flight of steps, move slightly left then continue, down three flights of steps to platform 1.

To Platform 20

Turn left (180 degrees) follow the short path then go down four flights of steps onto the platform.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Move to the left-hand wall then continue forward to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level and leave via the same set of doors.

You're facing along platform 20, move left to avoid the stairs in front of you then continue onto the platform. Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the foot of the stairs to your left, onto platform 1.


To Platforms 2,3 and 19

There is stairs and escalator access near to these platforms, the lift brings you onto platform 11 from where you'll need to cross the concourse.

Via Escalator or Stairs

Continue from the foot of the Waverley Steps, past the first turning on your left. The next turning leads to the stairs, whilst the downward escalator is beyond this, followed by the upward one. If you use the stairs, you go down four flights of steps into the concourse.

Turn left and continue beyond the foot of the stairs then turn left again along platform 19.

For platforms 2 and 3, continue forward, between the North Mall and the main building then take the turning left, beyond Left Luggage, onto platform 2.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, take the first turning left then take the turning right onto the main bridge. As you continue along this bridge, you pass the steps to the concourse, on your left, before you go up a slight slope. The lift to platform 11 is to your left, with the call button to your right of the door. Go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left (180 degrees), following the rail on your right.

Turn right at the end of the rail, the taxi access road is in front of you. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road and continue to the end of the main building, on your right.

For platform 19, continue, past the turning on your right and the North Mall, onto the platform then turn left.

For platform 2, take the turning right, between the main building and the North Mall then turn left, beyond Left Luggage, onto the platform.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

Although there is escalator and stairs access near the foot of the Waverley Steps, you may as well use the stairs beside the taxi access road. the lift brings you onto platform 11.

Via the Stairs

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, take the first turning left then take the turning right onto the main bridge. If you want to go to platforms 7 or 11, you may as well use the lift.

For platform 4, take the first turning left then go down two flights of steps to concourse level. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


Via the Lift

Continue on the bridge, up a slight slope then turn left to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors.

For platform 7, continue forward, past the taxi queue to your left. Platform 7 begins beside the vehicle turning circle, note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, though there is on platform 11.

For platform 11, turn back (180 degrees) to either side and continue along the platform.

For platform 4, turn left (180 degrees), follow the rail on your right to the end then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road and turn right. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


To Platforms 8 and 9

There is lift and stairs access to these platforms from the bridge.

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, take the first turning left then take the turning right onto the main pbridge. As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platforms 8 and 9. The stairs to plagforms 8 and 9 are opposite this.

Via the Stairs

You go down a single step, then down two flights of steps to platform level. You're facing along the east (E) sections of the platforms with platform 8E to your right and platform 9E to your left. turn back (180 degrees) to the west (W) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details

The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. You're facing along the west (W) sections of the platforms with platform 8W to your left and platform 9W to your right. turn back (180 degrees) for the east (E) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

There is stairs and lift access from the main bridge to this platform.

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, take the first turning left then take the turning right onto the main bridge. As you follow the right-hand side, the first turning is to the lift to platform 10, whilst the stairs are opposite this.

Via the Stairs

Turn left and go down four flights of steps to platform level then turn left onto the platform. You're near the east end of the platform, that is near the front of eastbound, or rear of westbound trains.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Turn right, the call button is to your left of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. Turn right onto the platform. You're beside the rear half of westbound, or front half of eastbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18

There is stairs and escalator access to the concourse, near these platforms, whilst the lift brings you onto platform 11.

Via the Stairs or Escalator

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, continue, past the first turning left. The next turning leads to the stairs, followed by the downward escalator then the upward one. If you use the stairs, you go down four flights of steps to concourse level.

At concourse level, turn right and continue, past the authorised vehicle access road then the building on your right, before turning right towards the gate line.

At the time of our survey, there appeared to be no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates so we suggest you continue to the fence, in front of you then turn left and continue, following the gate line on your right, till you pass the staff area.

Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

From the foot of the Waverley Steps, take the first turning left then take the turning right onto the main bridge. As you follow the left-hand side, you pass the first turning, which leads to the steps down beside the taxi access road, then you go up a slight slope before you find the lift to platform 11, on your left.

The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors and turn left (180 degrees). Follow the rail on your right then turn right at the end, towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, continue forward about three metres into the concourse, before turning left towards the gate line.

If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


From Market Street

There is stairs-only access from here onto the main bridge, then stairs and lift access from the bridge to all platforms.

From Market Street, you go down three flights of steps onto the bridge. From here, there is lift and stairs access to all platforms.

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2, 3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18

To Platforms 1 and 20

Continue to the end of the bridge. The steps to platform 20 are to your left, whilst the lift is on your right. The steps to platform 1 are also on your right, before the lift.

Via the Stairs
To Platform 1

Turn right, continue to the lift in front of you then move to your right of this to find the top of the stairs. You go down a flight of steps, move slightly left then continue, down three flights of steps to platform 1.

To Platform 20

Turn left, follow the short path then go down four flights of steps onto the platform.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Turn right then continue forward to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level and leave via the same set of doors.

You're facing along platform 20, move left to avoid the stairs in front of you then continue onto the platform. Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the foot of the stairs to your left, onto platform 1.


To Platforms 2, 3 and 19

There is stairs and escalator access near to these platforms, you could also use the stairs beside the main building, though it may be easier to stay on the bridge rather than find your way through the concourse. The lift brings you onto platform 11 from where you'll need to cross the concourse.

Via Escalator or Stairs

As you follow the left-hand side of the bridge, you pass the lifts to the car park, platforms 8 and 9 then platform 10. The next turning leads towards the escalators and stairs to the concourse. Note that the last turning on your left leads to the stairs down to platform 20.

Turn left towards the stairs and escalators then take the turning left. The first turning left from here leads to the stairs, whilst the downward escalator is beyond this, followed by the upward one. If you use the stairs, you go down four flights of steps into the concourse.

Turn left and continue beyond the foot of the stairs then turn left again along platform 19.

For platforms 2 and 3, continue forward, between the North Mall and the main building then take the turning left, beyond Left Luggage, onto platform 2.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platform 11, on your right. The call button is to your right of the door. Go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left (180 degrees), following the rail on your right.

Turn right at the end of the rail, the taxi access road is in front of you. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road and continue to the end of the main building, on your right.

For platform 19, continue, past the turning on your right and the North Mall, onto the platform then turn left.

For platform 2, take the turning right, between the main building and the North Mall then turn left, beyond Left Luggage, onto the platform.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

We suggest you use the stairs beside the taxi access road for platform 4. The lift brings you onto platform 11. So if you want to go to platforms 7 or 11, you may as well use the lift.

Via the Stairs

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 and the lift to platform 11 before you reach the top of the stairs to the concourse.

For platform 4, turn right then go down two flights of steps to concourse level. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


Via the Lift

Take the third turning on the right, towards the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors.

For platform 7, continue forward, past the taxi queue to your left. Platform 7 begins beside the vehicle turning circle, note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, though there is on platform 11.

For platform 11, turn back (180 degrees) to either side and continue along the platform.

For platform 4, turn left (180 degrees), follow the rail on your right to the end then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road and turn right. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


To Platforms 8 and 9

There is lift and stairs access to these platforms from the bridge.

As you follow the left-hand side of the bridge, you pass the lift to the car park, then the pay machines before you reach the lift to platforms 8 and 9. The stairs to plagforms 8 and 9 are opposite this.

Via the Stairs

You go down a single step, then down two flights of steps to platform level. You're facing along the east (E) sections of the platforms with platform 8E to your right and platform 9E to your left. turn back (180 degrees) to the west (W) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details

The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. You're facing along the west (W) sections of the platforms with platform 8W to your left and platform 9W to your right. turn back (180 degrees) for the east (E) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

There is stairs and lift access from the main bridge to this platform.

As you follow the right-hand side, the first turning is to the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, whilst the second is to the stairs to platform 10. The lift to platform 10 is opposite this.

Via the Stairs

Turn right and go down four flights of steps to platform level then turn left onto the platform. You're near the east end of the platform, that is near the front of eastbound, or rear of westbound trains.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Turn left, the call button is to your left of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. Turn right onto the platform. You're beside the rear half of westbound, or front half of eastbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18

There is stairs access to the concourse beside the main building, whilst the lift brings you onto platform 11. Note that the escalator is at the far end of the bridge, so we'll suggest you use the nearer stairs from here.

Via the Stairs

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, the stairs to platform 10 then the lift to platform 11. The next turning leads to the stairs. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level.

At concourse level, turn right (180 degrees), continue beyond the end of the main building across the concourse, then move right to avoid the building in front of you and continue forward towards the gate line.

At the time of our survey, there appeared to be no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates so we suggest you continue to the fence, in front of you then turn left and continue, following the gate line on your right, till you pass the staff area.

Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the steps to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 before you find the lift to platform 11, on your right.

The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors and turn left (180 degrees). Follow the rail on your right then turn right at the end, towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, continue forward about three metres into the concourse, before turning left towards the gate line.

If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


From the Waverley Bridge

I think it would be easier to move along the Waverley Bridge between entrances rather than try to make your way through the crowded concourse or bridge. See the Environs page for details of the Waverley Bridge.

There is step-free access from each of the vehicle access roads to platforms 2 to 7 and 11 to 19, plus stairs and lift access to the other platforms. There is also escalator access from beside the authorised vehicle access road onto the main bridge.

From the authorised vehicle access road, we'll give directions to the following groups of platforms:

From the taxi access road, we'll give directions to the following groups of platforms:

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2, 3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18"

To Platforms 1 and 20

Via the Stairs

Go down the ramp, on the left-hand side of the authorised vehicle access road, into the concourse. At the foot of the ramp, you're at the point where the road makes a U-turn towards the British Transport Police building. This is not a busy road, but note that there's little distinction between the surface of the pavement, the road and that of the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross this road then turn left, towards the foot of the escalators and stairs, to your left. Note that you can continue onto platform 19, where there is tactile paving along the edge, if you do this, turn bac.

As you move away from the access road, you pass the upward escalator, then the downward escalator and the stairs. If you go up the stairs, you go up four flights of steps onto the bridge.

Turn right, continue past the top of the stairs then take the turning right and follow the barrier on your left to the end. The steps to platform 1 are in front of you, with the lift to your left of these. The steps to platform 20 are behind you, to your left.

To Platform 1

Continue forward, you go down a flight of steps, move slightly left then continue, down three flights of steps to platform 1.

To Platform 20

Turn left (180 degrees) follow the short path then go down four flights of steps onto the platform.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Follow the pavement down the left-hand side of the taxi access road into the concourse. Continue, past the end of the building on your left then turn right towards the access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road and turn left. The lift building is in the middle of the platform, in front of you with the door on the far side. Go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors, then turn right and continue to the wall at the end of the bridge. Turn right, continue forward to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level and leave via the same set of doors.

You're facing along platform 20, move left to avoid the stairs in front of you then continue onto the platform. Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the foot of the stairs to your left, onto platform 1.


To Platforms 2, 3 and 19

Follow the pavement along the left-hand side of the authorised vehicle access road into the concourse. At the foot of the ramp, you're at the point where the road makes a U-turn towards the British Transport Police building. This is not a busy road, but note that there's little distinction between the surface of the pavement, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road.

For platform 19, turn left and continue beyond the foot of the escalators and stairs then turn left again along platform 19.

For platforms 2 and 3, turn left, continue to the foot of the escalators on your left, then turn right. Continue forward, between the North Mall and the main building then take the turning left, beyond Left Luggage, onto platform 2.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

Follow the pavement on the left-hand side of the taxi access road into the concourse.

For platform 4, continue, across the concourse, then beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


For platforms 7 and 11, continue forward for a few metres into the concourse then turn right towards the access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road and turn right along platform 11, or turn left and continue, beyond the start of the taxi queue onto platform 7.

Note that there is tactile paving along the edge of platform 11 but none along platform 7.


To Platforms 8 and 9

There is lift and stairs access to these platforms from the bridge. We suggest you reach the bridge via the stairs beside the main building or the lift on platform 11.

Follow the pavement on the left-hand side of the taxi access road into the concourse.

Via the Stairs

Continue, across the concourse and locate the steps beside the main building to your left. Continue to the foot of these steps then turn left (180 degrees), go up two flights of steps onto the bridge then turn left.

As you follow the left-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 11, then the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the stairs to platforms 8 and 9.

Turn left, go down a single step, then down two flights of steps to platform level. You're facing along the east (E) sections of the platforms with platform 8E to your right and platform 9E to your left. turn back (180 degrees) to the west (W) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Continue forward for a few metres, into the concourse then turn right towards the access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then turn left. The lift building is in the middle of the platform, in front of you, the door is on the other side. Go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors then cross to the barrier in front of you and turn left.

As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platforms 8 and 9, turn right. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. You're facing along the west (W) sections of the platforms with platform 8W to your left and platform 9W to your right. turn back (180 degrees) for the east (E) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

There is stairs and lift access to the main bridge and from the main bridge to this platform.

Follow the pavement on the left-hand side of the taxi access road into the concourse.

Via the Stairs

Continue, across the concourse then beside the main building on your left, to the foot of the stairs. Turn left (180 degrees) then go up two flights of steps onto the main bridge and turn left.

As you follow the left-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 11 before you reach the turning to the stairs to platform 10. Turn left and go down four flights of steps to platform level then turn left onto the platform. You're near the east end of the platform, that is near the front of eastbound, or rear of westbound trains.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Continue forward for a few metres into the concourse then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the road then turn left. The lift building is in the middle of the platform, in front of you with the door on the other side, go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to platform level then leave via the other set of doors, continue to the barrier in front of you then turn left and take the first turning right.

The call button is to your left of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. Turn right onto the platform. You're beside the rear half of westbound, or front half of eastbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18"

There is step-free access to these platforms from each access road. For convenience, we'll give directions from each.

via the Authorised Vehicle Access Road

Follow the pavement on the left-hand side into the concourse. At the foot of the ramp, you're at the point where this road makes a U-turn towards the British Transport Police building, you need to cross to the right. Note that this is not a busy road, but there is little distinction between the surface of the pavement, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, turn right and continue, past the building with Upper Crust and Boots before turning right towards the gate line.

At the time of our survey, there appeared to be no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates so we suggest you continue to the fence, in front of you then turn left and continue, following the gate line on your right, till you pass the staff area.

Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


Via the Taxi Access Road

Follow the pavement on the left-hand side into the concourse, then turn left (180 degrees in all). If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


From the Taxi Drop-Off Point

The taxi drop-off point is beside the main building, as you leave the taxi, platform 4 is in front of you, with platforms 7 and 11 to your right. There is also step-free access to platforms 2 - 3 and 12 to 19. From here, there is stairs and lift access to platforms 1 and 20, plus 8 to 10.

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2, 3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18

To Platforms 1 and 20

As you face the front of the taxi, the stairs to the main bridge are behind you and the lift is on platform 11, which is on the other side of the taxi access road. turn back and follow the main building on your right.

Via the Stairs

Continue to the foot of the stairs, in front of you then go up two flights of steps onto the main bridge then turn right and continue to the end.

The lift to platforms 1 and 20 is to your right, with the steps to platform 1 before this. The steps to platform 20 are to your left.

To Platform 1

Turn right then move to your right of the lift. You go down a flight of steps, move slightly left then continue, down three flights of steps to platform 1.

To Platform 20

Turn left, follow the short path then go down four flights of steps onto the platform.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Continue, beyond the stairs to the bridge, into the concourse then turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road an platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road then turn left. The lift building is in the middle of the platform, in front of you with the door on the other side, go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors, turn right and continue to the wall at the end of the bridge.

Turn right then continue forward to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level and leave via the same set of doors.

You're facing along platform 20, move left to avoid the stairs in front of you then continue onto the platform. Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the foot of the stairs to your left, onto platform 1.


To Platforms 2, 3 and 19

I think it may be quieter to go past the rear of the main building towards these platforms. Continue, in the same direction as the taxi, to the end of the main building then turn left. Continue, following the rear of the main building to your left until you reach the turning left, which is the walkway between the main building and the North Mall.

For Platform 19, turn left, pass the North Mall to your right then turn right then left onto the platform.

For platforms 2 and 3, continue forward, past the North Mall on your left then turn right onto platform 2.

For platform 3, continue along platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

For platform 4, Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


For platforms 7 and 11, turn back, continue beyond the end of the main building on your right, then forward for a few more metres into the concourse and turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful!. Cross the access road and turn right along platform 11. Turn left, past the lift building, for platform 7.

Note that there's tactile paving along platform 11, but not on platform 7.


To Platforms 8 and 9

We suggest you use the stairs beside the main building or the lift from platform 11, to the main bridge. There is lift and stairs access to these platforms from the bridge.

Via the Stairs

Turn back and follow the main building on your right to the foot of the stairs in front of you then go up two flights of steps onto the main bridge. Turn left and follow the left-hand side, past the lift to platform 11, then the stairs to platform 10, before you reach the top of the stairs to platform 9, turn left.

You go down a single step, then down two flights of steps to platform level. You're facing along the east (E) sections of the platforms with platform 8E to your right and platform 9E to your left. turn back (180 degrees) to the west (W) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Turn back, continue beyond the main building then a further few metres, into the concourse and turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the road and turn left. The lift is in the middle of the platform in front of you, with the door on the other side. Go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to bridge level, leave via the other set of doors, continue to the barrier in front of you then turn left.

As you follow the right-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platforms 8 and 9, turn right. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. You're facing along the west (W) sections of the platforms with platform 8W to your left and platform 9W to your right. turn back (180 degrees) for the east (E) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

We suggest you use the stairs beside the main building or the lift on platform 11 to reach the main bridge. There is stairs and lift access from the main bridge to this platform.

Via the Stairs

Turn back then continue, followign the main building on your right, to the foot of the stairs in front of you. Go up two flights of steps onto the main bridge then turn left. As you follow the left-hand side, you pass the lift to platform 11, before you reach the stairs to platform 10.

Turn left and go down four flights of steps to platform level then turn left onto the platform. You're near the east end of the platform, that is near the front of eastbound, or rear of westbound trains.


Via the Lift

See the lifts page for details.

Turn back, continue past the end of the main building on your right then a further few metres into the concourse and turn left towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of the concourse, the road and platform 11. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the road then turn left. The lift building is in the middle of the platform in front of you with the door on the other side. Go beyond the building then turn back to the door.

The call button is to your right of the door, go up to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then continue to the barrier in front of you and turn left. the first turning right is to the lift to platform 10.

Turn right, the call button is to your left of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. Turn right onto the platform. You're beside the rear half of westbound, or front half of eastbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18

Turn back and continue, beyond the main building on your right, then across the concourse. You may need to move to your right to go round the building which juts out towards you.

If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


From the Car Park

There is lift and stairs access onto the bridge, then lift and stairs access from the bridge to all platforms.

Via Which Route?

  Via the Stairs
Via the Lifts

Via the Stairs

You go up a single step, then two flights of steps then turn right and go down a flight of steps onto the main bridge.

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2, 3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18
To Platforms 1 and 20

Continue to the wall at the end of the bridge. The lift to platforms 1 and 20 is to your right with the steps to platform 1 before this. The steps to platform 20 are to your left.

To Platform 1

Turn right then move to your right, past the lift. You go down a flight of steps, move slightly left then continue, down three flights of steps to platform 1.

To Platform 20

Turn left, follow the short path then go down four flights of steps onto the platform.


To Platforms 2, 3 and 19

There is stairs and escalator access near to these platforms. Continue, past the first three turnings, to lifts, on your left then take the next turning. Note that the left turning at the end leads to the stairs down to platform 20. Follow the barrier on your left then turn left.

The first turning leads to the stairs, whilst the downward escalator is beyond this, followed by the upward one. If you use the stairs, you go down four flights of steps into the concourse.

Turn left and continue beyond the foot of the stairs then turn left again along platform 19.

For platforms 2 and 3, continue forward, between the North Mall and the main building then take the turning left, beyond Left Luggage, onto platform 2.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

If you want to go to platforms 7 or 11, you may as well use the lift.

For platform 4, continue, past three turnings to your right then turn right at the fourth then go down two flights of steps to concourse level. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


To Platforms 8 and 9

Take the furst turning right. You go down a single step, then down two flights of steps to platform level. You're facing along the east (E) sections of the platforms with platform 8E to your right and platform 9E to your left. turn back (180 degrees) to the west (W) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

Take the second turning right. You go down four flights of steps to platform level then turn left onto the platform. You're near the east end of the platform, that is near the front of eastbound, or rear of westbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18

Continue, past the first three turnings on the right then take the fourth turning right. You go down two flights of steps to concourse level then turn right (180 degrees) and continue, across the concourse. You may need to move right to avoid the building in front of you then continue, towards the gate line.

If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


Via the Lifts

See the lifts page for details.

You go up the ramp then turn right towards the door. The call button is to your right of the door, go up to Level 1, leave via the other set of doors then follow the passage round to your right, onto the main bridge then turn left.

To Which Platforms?

  To Platforms 1 and 20
To Platforms 2, 3 and 19
To Platforms 4, 7 and 11
To Platforms 8 and 9
To Platform 10
To Platforms 12 to 18
To Platforms 1 and 20

Continue to the wall at the end of the bridge, turn right and continue forward to the lift. The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level and leave via the same set of doors.

You're facing along platform 20, move left to avoid the stairs in front of you then continue onto the platform. Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the foot of the stairs to your left, onto platform 1.


To Platforms 2, 3 and 19

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platform 11. Turn right, the call button is to your right of the door. Go down to platform level, leave via the other set of doors then turn left (180 degrees), following the rail on your right.

Turn right at the end of the rail, the taxi access road is in front of you. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We understand pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road and continue to the end of the main building, on your right.

For platform 19, continue, past the turning on your right and the North Mall, onto the platform then turn left.

For platform 2, take the turning right, between the main building and the North Mall then turn left, beyond Left Luggage, onto the platform.

For platform 3, turn right on platform 2. You pass a rail on your right before you go under the bridge from the Calton Road entrance. Turn right beyond this, there's a bike park to your left, behind a rail which continues across the end of track 3. Turn left, beyond the end of this rail, onto platform 3.


To Platforms 4, 7 and 11

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the lift to platform 11. Turn right, the call button is to your right of the door. Go down to platform level and leave via the other set of doors.

For platform 7, continue forward, past the taxi queue to your left. Platform 7 begins beside the vehicle turning circle, note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, though there is on platform 11.

For platform 11, turn back (180 degrees) to either side and continue along the platform.

For platform 4, turn left (180 degrees), follow the rail on your right to the end then turn right towards the taxi access road. Note that there's little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the taxi access road and turn right. Continue, beyond the end of the main building, to your left. You now cross the access road to the accessible parking spaces. There is little distinction between the surface of the concourse and the road. Whilst we believe pedestrians have priority, be careful!

Cross this access road and continue onto platform 4. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of this platform, the track is to your left.


To Platforms 8 and 9

Take the first turning left, the call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. You're facing along the west (W) sections of the platforms with platform 8W to your left and platform 9W to your right. turn back (180 degrees) for the east (E) sections of the platforms. Note that there's no tactile paving along the edge of these platforms.


To Platform 10

Take the second turning left, the call button is to your left of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors. Turn right onto the platform. You're beside the rear half of westbound, or front half of eastbound trains.


To Platforms 12 to 18

As you follow the right-hand side of the bridge, you pass the stairs to platforms 8 and 9, then the stairs to platform 10 before you reach the turning to the lift to platform 11. Turn right, The call button is to your right of the door, go down to platform level then leave via the other set of doors and turn left (180 degrees). Follow the rail on your right then turn right at the end, towards the taxi access road. Note that there is little distinction between the surface of platform 11, the road and the concourse. We believe pedestrians have priority, but be careful! Cross the access road, continue forward about three metres into the concourse, before turning left towards the gate line.

If you keep the building (WH Smith) on your left, you'll reach the left-hand end of the gate line. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern of entrance and exit gates. Turn right and follow the gate line until you reach the staff area. Go through the gates. From here, platform 12 is to the far left and platform 18 to your far right. See the beginning of this section for details.


From Calton Road

This is a stairs-only route onto platforms 2 and 3, see the Change Platforms section for details of how to reach other platforms from this entrance.

From the west side of Calton Road, you leave the pavement facing west then turn left (south) and go up two flights of steps, onto the bridge. Follow this bridge, which veers left as you go into the station then turn right at the end and go down two flights of steps, to platform level.

Turn left (180 degrees) and continue beyond the back of the stairs. From here, you can turn left onto platform 2, or right then left onto platform 3. there is tactile paving along the edge of each of these platforms.

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© 2010, Terry Robinson