Our directions from platforms 9 to 17 relate to the main (west) bridge which connects these platforms to the area in front of the gates.
Each platform is divided into sections labelled alphabetically from the west, though there is no consistency between platforms Visit the General Description page for more details.
This page describes routes to the three exits into New Station Street, plus one each to City Square and Aire Street. Visit the Environs page for more details of the entrances and exits to this station.
Note that automatic gates came into operation at this station on 26 October 2008. Staff are on hand to assist as necessary and let customers with suitable cards and passes through the gates.
From Platforms 1 to 6 From Platforms 7 and 8 From Platforms 9 to 17 |
Continue beyond the front of the train. The gates are towards the right-hand end of the wall in front of you.
Continue beyond the front of the train and move to your left onto platform 8C. Continue (west) beyond the steps from the east bridge, to the end of the building on your right, turn right and locate the gates to your right, after a few metres.
Platform 8 is a long, bi-directional platform divided into four sections A through D from west to east, the exit is from platform 8B. If you arrive on platform 8D or 8C get off the train and turn left, continue, beyond the end of the building on your right then turn right. Locate the gates on your right after a few metres.
If you're on platform 8A or 8B get off the train and turn right. If you find a solid wall on your left, extending more than a few metres (you may be by the lift), turn back to the end of the building. Otherwise, turn left before the start of the building and locate the gates on your right after a few metres.
From Platforms 10, 13, 14 and 17, move beyond the front of the train and locate the lift, steps or escalator to the main (west) bridge, on your right (platforms 10, 13 and 17) or left (from platform 14). Go up five flights of eight steps, escalator or lift onto the bridge.
Note that there's a landing of about 20 metres between the fourth and fifth flight from platforms 16 and 17.
Turn right from the steps or escalator (left from the lift) and continue to the end of the bridge. The down escalator and steps (between this and the up escalator) are to your right and the lift to your left. Continue (east from the foot of the steps or escalator, to the gates in front of you. From the lift, move left, to avoid the steps and escalator then continue (east) towards the gates which are in front of you.
The long platforms, 9, 11 and 12, are divided into four sections (A through D) such that the lift is near the boundary between the A and B sections, whilst the steps leave from the B section. Platform 15 is divided into A and B sections with the steps and lift within the A section. Platform 16 has the steps and lift towards the west end of the platform, just before the start of platform 17.
As these platforms are bi-directional, it's hard to give any clear directions which cater for every likely eventuality. We trust the above gives sufficient guidance as to how to go about finding the steps and lifts onto the bridge.
Go up five flights of eight steps, escalator or lift onto the bridge.
Note that there's a landing of about 20 metres between the fourth and fifth flight from platforms 16 and 17.
Turn right from the steps or escalator (left from the lift) and continue to the end of the bridge. The down escalator and steps (between this and the up escalator) are to your right and the lift to your left. Continue (east from the foot of the steps or escalator, to the gates in front of you. From the lift, move left, to avoid the steps and escalator then continue (east) towards the gates which are in front of you.
The steps to the east bridge are opposite the doors to the goods lifts, which are not for public use. If you find yourself on the east bridge, which is narrower than the other one, turn right, continue to the end then go down the steps to your left onto platform 8. Continue (west) from here, beyond the end of the building then turn right and locate the gates on your right after a few metres. Note that there are only two flights of steps onto this bridge as opposed to five onto the main one.
There are six manned ticket gates, arranged in two sets of three such that, at the time of our survey, the left-hand (south) set were exits and the right-hand set were entrances. A display, above each gate, indicates the current direction of traffic, which we understand can be changed according to demand.
When you go through the gates, you enter the North Concourse, in the southwest corner.
To the Main Exit Via the Travel Centre Via the Tourist Information Centre To City Square To Aire Street, Beside the Long Stay Car Park |
Continue forward from the gates and exit via the doors in front of you onto New Station Street. There are bus stops to your left and the taxi pick-up point is on the island pavement on the east side of New Station Street. Visit the Environs page for more details on buses, road crossings and local features.
It's probably easier to follow the outer wall of the concourse than to try and aim for the walkway through the information boards etc. in the middle of the concourse. Turn left, continue to the wall, then turn right and then left into the walkway.
Go through the door to the travel centre, on your right, then down six steps. Continue, past the sales desks to your left, to the low wall in front of you, move left (onto carpet) then right, round the end of this wall and go through the doors in front of you onto New Station Street.
It's probably easier to follow the outer wall of the concourse than to try and aim for the walkway through the information boards etc. in the middle of the concourse. Turn left, continue to the wall, then turn right and then left into the walkway.
Continue along the walkway, down two slopes then turn right (180 degrees and go through the door on your left, near the corner of the concourse. Continue, past the information desks to your left, to the wall in front of you. Turn right then left again and go through the doors in front of you onto New Station Street.
It's probably easier to follow the outer wall of the concourse than to try and aim for the walkway through the information boards etc. in the middle of the concourse. Turn left, continue to the wall, then turn right and then left into the walkway.
Continue along the walkway, down two slopes into the South Concourse. Continue forward into the passage in front of you and go through the doors into City Square. Visit the Environs page for more details of local features and road crossings.
It's probably easier to follow the outer wall of the concourse than to try and aim for the walkway through the information boards etc. in the middle of the concourse. Turn left, continue to the wall, then turn right and then left into the walkway.
Continue along the walkway, down two slopes into the South Concourse. Continue, to the other side of the concourse, (don't enter the passage in front of you) then turn left. You're facing Wetherspoons, move to your left then go through two sets of doors in front of you into Aire Street, near the long stay car park.
© 2005, Terry Robinson