The bridge, about six carriage lengths from the concourse, joins all platforms, 1 - 16. The bridge is divided into two sections. I'll call these "the main bridge" (platforms 1 - 9) and "the small bridge" (platforms 10 - 16). These sections, which run northeast/southwest don't follow the same line. They're joined by a short section running north/south, which I'll call "the link way".
Note that a new gate line has been established across the link way and that the former gate line, between the steps to platforms 10-11 and 13-14 is redundant and will be removed.
The bridge has walls of which the lower part is metal and the upper is glass. There are hand rails round most walls.
help point |
metal gate which can close platform 15 and 16 Recess with tactile flooring |
blank |
door marked "First Aid" information window not in use manual gate, onto rest of bridge, not in use blank door |
blank |
rail across front of recess |
4 automatic gates, not in use, across the bridge |
recess (behind barrier) to blank door |
As you continue southwest, the floor slopes up towards the link way.
steps down, northwest to platforms 10 and 11, down 15 then 13, tactile matting at foot ticket machine unused gate line steps down to platforms 13 and 14, down 14 then 14 steps gate which can close off platforms 15 and 16 steps down to platforms 15 and 16, down 14 then 14 steps |
blank wall |
The lift shaft is about 1 metre northeast of this, the door to the lift is on the Northeast side. The call button is on a bollard (brailled) to the right of the door "down". Inside the lift, the buttons are on the left-hand side, all brailled.
stairs up to blank door timetables and billboards |
the link way, veering left (north) |
steps to platform 1, tactile matting, metal strip then down 12 and 14 steps hand rail steps to platforms 2 and 3, tactile matting, then down 13 and 12 steps no rail beyond steps to platforms 4 and 5, tactile matting, then down 13 then 12 steps steps to platforms 6 and 7, down 13 then 13 steps steps to platforms 8 and 9, down 13 then 14 steps, onto platform 8 gap to ramp to platforms 8 and 9 plus station exit |
Through the gap, go down two steps, going southeast. Turn right here, for the ramp to platforms 8 and 9, down three steps going southwest, , turn left (southeast) then continue, down the ramp. If you turn left at the bottom of the two steps and continue northeast, you follow a metalled path which is the northeast exit to the station.
There's a hand rail on each side, digital clock overhead.
FGW ticket machine 2 ticket machines leaflets |
manual gate two automatic exits 3 automatic entrances |
blank |
There's a pillar with four phones in the middle of this area and an Expresso bar in front of you as you enter through the gates.
© 2004, Terry Robinson