
There's a waiting area about in the middle of the platform which has two sets of automatic doors. the set nearer the rear of the train leads to the escalators, whilst the other set is nearer the lift and stairs. There is a walkway between the two sections of the waiting area.

There's tactile paving along the edge of this platform.

To Reach

Via the Escalator

The escalators to platform 1, eastbound, are on the right-hand side of the concourse as you come in via the main entrance, beyond the ticket sales windows and lift, the left-hand escalator is normally the one you need. At platform level, turn left and go through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're beside the rear half of the train.

Via the Lift

The lift is on the right-hand side of the concourse, as you come in via the main entrance, beyond the ticket sales windows. The call button is to your right as you face the door. Note that there's a pillar in the passage, outside the door to this lift.

Go up to platform level, leave via the other set of doors, turn left and continue through the automatic doors onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.

Via the Stairs

The stairs to this platform leave from the far side of the south section of the concourse. We suggest you go beyond the ticket sales windows and lift on your right, then turn left. You cross the passage leading to the westbound, platform 2 then follow the wall in front of you, left then right to the opening to the foot of the stairs. Note that there are pillars, one outside the lift and two more in the opening. The stairs start at an angle (northwest. There's tactile flooring at the foot and top of these stairs.

You go up seven steps, going northwest, turn left (southwest) and go up seven steps, going southwest. turn left (east), go up seven steps, going east then turn left (northwest) and go up seven steps, going northwest. turn left (south), go up seven steps, going south, turn left (northeast) and go up seven steps, going northeast, to platform level. You're in the south section of the waiting area.

Veer left (north), continue over a bridge with a hand rail to each side, over the passage, then turn left (east) and continue through the automatic doors, onto the platform. We believe you're about in the middle of the train.

The Waiting Area

This is divided into two sections. The north section includes the top of the escalators, whilst the south section includes the lift and top of the stairs. There's a walkway between the two sections and a set of automatic doors from each section onto the platform.

The North Section

This is a rectangular space with two pillars towards the west side. The escalators and walkway to the south section are on the south side, whilst the doors to the platform are on the west.

South Side, Going West

  down escalator
up escalator
wall juts out
walkway to south section

West Side, Going North

  automatic doors onto platform

North Side

  glass wall with seats

East Side

  wall with pillars and seats
down escalator, going south

The South Section

This is a rectangular space with the doors to the platform on the west, the walkway to the north section on the north, the lift and bridge to the stairs on the south.

South Side, Going West

  lift, call button on left
bridge leading south to stairs
2 pillars

West Side, Going North

automatic doors onto platform, tactile flooring in front
continuing along the walkway
glass wall with pillars in front
assistance ramp
slope down

North Side, Going East

  walkway from north section
glass barrier with seats

East Side, Going South

recess to lift
North Side
East Side

Platform 1, From the South

  slope off end
sign post, no passengers beyond this point
signal post
departure screen
CCTV camera post in middle
departure screen
CCTV camera
wall ends, CCTV post in middle
help point, left-hand button for assistance, right-hand for train information
glass wall of waiting area starts
automatic doors, near stairs and lift
departure screen
CCTV camera post in middle
CCTV post beside wall
automatic doors near escalators
end of waiting area
gate, not for public use
wall begins
CCTV camera post in middle
slope off end

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© 2009, Terry Robinson