The easiest routes between platforms on this station are via the subway, either using lifts or steps.

From Which Platform?

  From Platforms 1 to 4
From Platforms 5 to 9
From Platforms 10 and 11

From Platforms 1 to 4

From Platform 1

Platform 1 is a terminus platform which shares an island platform with platform 3. The doors that open will be to your left as you face the front of the train. Get off the train, turn right and continue towards the concourse. Locate the top of the steps to the subway which go down to your left, just before the lift. If you find the lounge wall to your right, you've overshot.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 2

Platform 2 is a terminus platform which shares the island platform with platform 4. The doors that open will be to your right as you face the front of the train. Get off the train, turn left and continue past the beginning of the platform. After a few metres, you'll find the wall on your left which will retreat into the concourse. Although you could go over the bridge, the north steps to which will be in front of you, after a few metres, we believe the routes via the subway are easier with fewer steps and turnings. Continue forward, either on platform 3 or along the right-hand side of the concourse, past AMT Food and the GNER lounge. At this point, the lift will be in front of you, to use the steps, follow the turning left just before the lift. Turn right at the wall, cross a metal grid, tiled floor then tactile paving and locate the rail from the top of the steps which lead down to your right beyond this.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 3

We understand that platform 3 is the main platform for southbound GNER services, from which the doors that open will be to your left as you face the front of the train. The rear of the train will be nearest to the concourse, get off the train, turn left, continue towards the concourse. Locate the top of the steps to the subway which go down to your left, just before the lift. If you find the lounge wall to your right, you've overshot.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 4

At the time of writing, we're unsure as to the direction of services which serve platform 4. You will, however, get off the train, turn right and continue past the beginning of the platform. After a few metres, you'll find the wall on your left which will retreat into the concourse. Although you could go over the bridge, the north steps to which will be in front of you, after a few metres, we believe the routes via the subway are easier with fewer steps and turnings. Continue forward, either on platform 3 or along the right-hand side of the concourse, past AMT Food and the GNER lounge. At this point, the lift will be in front of you, to use the steps, follow the turning left just before the lift. Turn right at the wall, cross a metal grid, tiled floor then tactile paving and locate the rail from the top of the steps which lead down to your right beyond this.

Go down a flight of steps into the subway and continue forward.

To Which Platform?

  To Platforms 5 to 9
To Platforms 10 and 11
To Platforms 5 to 9

Take the turning right, go up a flight of steps to platform level. Platform 5 is to your right, you're beside coach E of northbound trains. Platform 9 is to your left, past the information kiosk.

To reach platform 6, turn right (180 degrees from the top of the steps and continue, past the lift onto the island platform, after a few metres. Platform 6 is to your right.

To reach platform 7, turn left from the top of the steps and go onto platform 9 then turn left again. Continue for a few metres, onto the island platform, platform 7 is to your left.

To reach platform 8, turn left from the top of the steps, continue to the information kiosk then turn right. Continue, past the display board to the shop, the wall of which will be in front of you or to your left. Turn left before this and follow the wall on your right to the end and turn right. Continue forward from here onto platform 8. Tactile paving marks the start of this platform, there is also tactile paving near the edge, to your right.


To Platforms 10 and 11

Continue to the end of the subway and turn left, go up two flights of steps to platform level. Platform 10 is to your left and 11 to your right.


From Platforms 5 to 9

From Platform 5

We understand that platform 5 is the main platform for northbound GNER services. The doors that open will be on your left as you face the front of the train, whilst coach E will be beside the top of the steps to the subway and coach F slightly south of the lift. Get off the train and move towards this area from which the steps go down in the opposite direction to the train.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 6

Platform 6 is a terminus platform which shares the island platform with platform 5. The doors that open will be on your right as you face the front of the train. Get off the train, turn left and continue past the lift to locate the top of the steps into the subway. Note that these steps go down in the opposite direction, towards the rear of the train.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 7

Platform 7 is a terminus platform which shares the island platform with the southern part of platform 9. The doors that open will be on your left as you face the front of the train. Get off the train, turn right and continue, along platform 9 past the cafe bar on your right. Turn right here, continue past the information kiosk to your right, onto platform 5 and locate the steps to the subway on your right. These are in the middle of what will become the island platform 5 and 6.

Go into the Subway

From Platform 8

Platform 8 is a terminus platform which shares the island platform with the northern section of platform 9. The doors that open will be to your right as you face the front of the train. Get off the train, turn left and follow the instructions below.

From Platform 9

At the time of writing we're unclear as to which direction of service is usually served by platform 9. If you arrive in the northern section of this platform, get off the train, turn right and move through a gap in the wall onto platform 8 then turn right. Continue into the Platform 5 Concourse. You could go up the steps to your left onto the bridge or, as we recommend, continue beyond the structure to your left, past the display boards then turn left and go onto platform 5. Locate the steps to the subway to your right, these are in the middle of what will become the island platform 5 and 6.

From the southern section of platform 9, get off the train, turn left and continue to the gap between the cafe bar and the toilets. Go through this gap, locate the steps in front of you, turn right then left and locate the steps to the subway on your right. These are in the middle of what will become the island platform 5 and 6.

Go down a flight of steps into the subway and turn left for platforms 1 to 4, or right to platforms 10 and 11.

To Which Platform?

  To Platforms 1 to 4
To Platforms 10 and 11
To Platforms 1 to 4

Follow the right-hand side to the end then go up the flight of steps in front of you, onto platform 3.

To Platform 1

Turn right and continue onto the island platform. Platform 1 is to your left. Note that there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.

To Platforms 2 and 4

Turn left and follow the pathway, across tactile paving, tiled floor and a metal grid before turning left. Folow the right-hand wall to your right, you're now on platform 3. Continue, either along the platform, beyond the point where the floor texture changes, onto the island platform. You're now on platform 4, with platform 2 to your right. Note that there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.


To Platforms 10 and 11

Continue to the end of the subway and turn left, go up two flights of steps to platform level. Platform 10 is to your left and 11 to your right.


From Platforms 10 and 11

At the time of writing, we're unclear as to which direction of service regularly serves these platforms. This is a simple island platform with tactile paving near each edge. The north steps to the bridge leave from a point near the north end, whilst the south steps are near the middle. South of these is the lift followed by the steps to the subway which go down north.

Go down two flights of steps, into the subway and turn right.

To Which Platform?

  To Platforms 1 to 4
To Platforms 5 to 9
To Platforms 5 to 9

Take the turning left, go up a flight of steps to platform level. Platform 5 is to your right, you're beside coach E of northbound trains. Platform 9 is to your left, past the information kiosk.

To reach platform 6, turn right (180 degrees from the top of the steps and continue, past the lift onto the island platform, after a few metres. Platform 6 is to your right.

To reach platform 7, turn left from the top of the steps and go onto platform 9 then turn left again. Continue for a few metres, onto the island platform, platform 7 is to your left.

To reach platform 8, turn left from the top of the steps, continue to the information kiosk then turn right. Continue, past the display board to the shop, the wall of which will be in front of you or to your left. Turn left before this and follow the wall on your right to the end and turn right. Continue forward from here onto platform 8. Tactile paving marks the start of this platform, there is also tactile paving near the edge, to your right.


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© 2006, Terry Robinson