The subway, which runs west from platform 3, connects all platforms via steps and lifts. The three lifts into this subway are the only ones available to the public. The goods lifts, which must be operated by staff, connect platforms via a bridge which is not accessible to the public.
Between the lounge and the lift, which has a rail round, is a gap starting east, then right south, onto a grid, tiled floor then tactile paving, before you reach a rail on your right at the top of the steps which lead down west, into the subway. You go down 22 steps, going west, with tactile paving at the top and bottom.
The lift is to your right (north) at the foot of these steps, you enter facing east.
The steps lead down south from the middle of the island platform 5 and 6, just south of the Platform 5 Concourse. You go down 21 steps, going south. There's tactile paving at the top and bottom of these steps. The lift between the subway and platforms is in front of you, you enter facing south.
A single set of steps, with tactile paving at the top and bottom, leads down north into the subway. You go down 12 then 12 steps, going north into the subway. The lift from platforms 10 and 11 is in front of you, you enter facing north.
© 2006, Terry Robinson