
This page lists the galleries within the Museum. Each item in the list includes a link to the description of the layout of the gallery and how it can be reached from the entrances to the Museum, plus a brief indication of its location within the building.

List of Galleries

Ancient Egypt Ground Floor, southwest corner
Art Discovery Centre Ground Floor, northeast corner
Conflict and Consequence First Floor, west
Creatures of the Past Ground Floor, west
Cultural Survival First Floor, sout side west
Dutch Art First Floor, north side east
The East Court Ground Floor, east
Environment Discovery Centre Ground Floor, northwest corner
Every Picture Tells a Story First Floor, southeast corner
Fragile Art First Floor, east
French Art First Floor, east
Glasgow Stories Ground Floor, north side west
History Discovery Centre First Floor, northwest corner
Italian Art First Floor, northeast corner
Looking at Art Ground Floor, north side east
Looking at Design Ground Floor, southeast corner
Mini-Museum Ground Floor, southwest
Object Cinema First Floor, southwest corner
Picture Promenade First Floor, South (principally, but also round First Floor walkways)
Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow Style Ground Floor, east
Scotland's First People First Floor, north side west
Scottish Art Ground Floor, south side east
Scottish Identity in Art First Floor, south side easst
Scotland's Wildlife Ground Floor, north side west
Study Centre First Floor, north
The West Court Ground Floor, west

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