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There's level access to street level from the Underground Concourse, there's lift, escalator and stairs access from each platform.
The doors will open on your left as you face the front of the train. There is tactile paving along the edge of each platform.
At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern to the order of automatic entrance/exit gates, however we did find that if you use the Wide Aisle gates at the ends of the gate line, the left-hand one was the one you needed.
From Platform 1, Westbound From Platform 2, Eastbound |
As you go from the front of the train, you may be on a narrow section of platform. The platform widens before you pass seats then the exit via escalators or steps, divided into three by two pillars. Beyond this, you pass two more sets of seats before you reach the passage to the lift.
As you go from the rear of the train, you pass two sets of seats before you reach the passage to the lift. Beyond this, you pass two more sets of seats before you reach the exit via esclator or steps.
Go into the exit area then turn left. The escalators are in front of you, the left-hand one is normally the one you need, go up to street level then turn left and take the turning left towards the gate line.
Go into the exit area, continue to the wall then turn left. The steps are in front of you, go up three flights of steps, which are separated by wide landings, to street level. Turn left, pass the top of the escalators then take the turning left towards the gate line.
Go into the passage. The lift is on your left with the call button to your right of the door. Go up to street level then leave via the same door. Turn right, pass the top of the escalators on your left then take the turning left towards the gate line.
As you go from the front of the train, you pass two sets of seats before you reach the passage to the lift. Beyond this, you pass two more sets of seats before you reach the exit to the escalator or steps which is divided into three gaps by two pillars.
As you go from the rear of the train, you may be on a narrow section of platform. The platform widens, you pass a set of seats before you reach the exit to the escalator or steps. Beyond this, you pass two more sets of seats before you reach the passage to the lift.
Go into the exit area and turn right. The escalators are in front of you, the left-hand one is normally the one you need. Go up to street level, turn right then take the turning right towards the gate line.
Go into the exit area, continue to the wall then turn right, the steps are in front of you. Go up three flights of steps, separated by wide landings, to street level. Turn right, pass the escalators on your right then take the turning right towards the gate line.
Go into the short passage, the lift is in front of you with the call button to your right of the door. Go up to street level and leave via the same door. Turn right then left and take the turning right towards the gate line.
Go through one of the six gaps in front of you. The gate line is in front of you with the Wide Aisle exit at the left-hand end. Go through the gates.
From here, you can continue forward then bear right onto the pavement, or take the turning left towards Blackfriars Mainline Station.
© 2012, Terry Robinson