
To change lines via the lifts, you'll need to move between the main concourse, off Joiner Street and the street level concourse off Borough High Street.

The regular platform changes within this station are via stairs and passages from the middle of the central reservation of the Jubilee Line platforms to the entrance steps into the central reservation of the Northern Line platforms, or from either the central or end steps of the central reservation of the Northern Line platforms to the middle of the central reservation of the Jubilee Line platforms.

From Jubilee to Northern

The doors will open on your right as you face the front of the train. There's a barrier along the edge of each platform with doors which only open whilst a train is standing at the platform.

Via the Lifts

From the westbound, go to the rear of the train, enter the last passage, before the end of the platform and take the turning right.

From the eastbound, go to the front of the train, enter the last passage before the end of the platform and take the turning left.

Continue, along the passage, to the lift, in front of you and go up to concourse level. Leave the lift and continue, along the passage, into the concourse, the gate line is in front of you. There's a manual gate at the right-hand end of the gate line and the automatic exits are next to this. Go through the gates.

Turn right, continue into Joiner Street, turn right again and continue to the corner, St Thomas Street. Turn right again and locate the crossing of St Thomas Street, to your left. This is a single-stage crossing with tactile paving at each end. There's a push button with rotating cone to each side as you cross in either direction. There's also a sounder at this crossing.

Cross St Thomas Street, turn right and continue, across the entrance to Guys Hospital, to Borough High Street then turn left.

You pass the bank and a newspaper stand before you reach the entrance to the station, turn left into the concourse.

Follow the left-hand side of the concourse and locate the lift, in a recess to your left. Go down to the lower concourse, leave the lift via the same door, turn left and follow the passage, which turns right, into the concourse, then turn right again. The gate line is in front of you with the ticket sales windows to your right. There are two manual gates at the right-hand end of the gate line and another at the left. Go through the gates.

Move to the left-hand side of this space and locate the lift in front of you. Go down to platform level, leave via the opposite door and continue along the passage to the T-junction. From here you can turn left to the southbound, before the front of the train, or right to the northbound, behind the rear of the train.


Via the Stairs

The entrances/exits are about in the middle of each platform. Go through one of the gaps into the central reservation. You need to find the steps in the middle of this space. Note that there's walking space to either side of these, so you should look along the middle. If you find escalators in front of you, turn back and try again.

When you find the steps, go up one flight then turn into the passage leading towards the Northern line. Note that, at the top of this first flight, there are equivalent steps down in front of you. If you turn to the wall, try the other direction.

Having located the passage, go up two flights of steps, continue forward for a while then go up two more flights of steps, to the intermediate level. Follow the left-hand side of the passage, which veers left then left again and continue to the T-junction. Turn right here, continue to the steps in front of you then go down two flights of steps to platform level. From here you can turn left to the southbound, beside the front half of the train, or right to the northbound, beside the rear half of the train.


From Northern to Jubilee

The doors will open on your left as you face the front of the train. This is unusual for island platforms.

There is tactile paving along the edge of the platforms.

Via the Lifts

From the southbound, go to the front of the train, enter the last passage before the end of the platform and take the turning right.

From the northbound, go to the rear of the train, enter the last passage before the end of the platform and take the turning left.

Follow the passage to the end, the lift is in front of you. Go to lower concourse level.

Leave the lift via the other door and continue forward. The gate line is in front of you with a manual gate at the right-hand end and two manual gates at the left. At the time of our survey, there was no clear pattern to the direction of the automatic gates. Go through the gates and follow the left-hand wall to the end then turn left into the passage. The passage turns left, you pass a blank door before the door to the lift on your right. Go up to street level and leave via the same door, you'll need to bear left before continuing forward onto the east side of Borough High Street.

Turn right, continue to the corner with St Thomas Street, turn right again and continue, across the entrance to Guys Hospital, to the Crossing of St Thomas Street, to your left. This is a single-stage crossing with tactile paving at each end. There's a push button with rotating cone to each side as you cross in either direction. There's also a sounder at this crossing.

Cross St Thomas Street, turn right then left into Joiner Street, follow the left-hand side and turn left into the main concourse.

As you come into the main concourse from Joiner Street, you pass a manual gate to your left, followed by automatic exits then entrances. There's another manual gate at the far end of this section of the gate line. Go through the gates, move to the left-hand side of this space and continue into the passage leading away from you, to your left of the escalators. The lift is in front of you at the end of this passage.

At the time of our survey, this had an up button to your right of the door, though we assure you, the lift goes down from here! Go down to platform level and leave the lift via the opposite door. Continue along the passage to the T-junction. Turn left for the westbound, you're behind the rear of the train, or right for the eastbound, you're before the front of the train.


Via the Stairs

The entrance/exit passages are about in the middle of the platform. Note there are fewer gaps from the northbound platform due to the central stairs.

The preferred route is via the central stairs, though there is an alternative via the stairs at the end of the central reservation.

From the Southbound, go into the central reservation, preferably beside the rear half of the train, move to the far side of the central reservation and turn right.

From the northbound, enter the central reservation, preferably beside the front half of the train and turn left.

This should bring you to the foot of the central stairs, from either platform. If not, you'll find the steps at the end of the reservation, which provide an alternative route. If you go up eight steps to a landing, you're on the central stairs, otherwise you'll go up ten. Note that there are also eight steps down from the landing of the central stairs, in front of you, whereas there are a further ten steps up from the landing of the end stairs.

If you go up the central steps, as suggested, turn left and go up twelve steps, follow the right-hand side of the passage and take the turning right. Follow this passage, which leads across the foot of the entrance escalators from the main concourse, before beering left then right again before the top of the steps. Continue down the steps.

If you've missed the central stairs, continue, up the second flight of steps, take the first turning left and follow the left-hand side to avoid two passages leading right. When you find the passage leading left, turn right at this point and follow the passage, which veers left then right again before the top of the steps.

Go down two flights of steps, continue for a while, then go down two more flights of steps.

You're now at the top of the steps in the middle of the central reservation of the Jubilee Line platforms. From here you can turn in either direction and go down a flight of steps to platform level.

If you turned left, the westbound platform is to your right, you're beside the rear half of the train, the eastbound platform is to your left, you're beside the front half of the train.

If you turned right, the westbound platform is to your left, you're beside the front half of the train, whilst the eastbound platform is to your left, you're beside the rear half of the train.

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© 2008, Terry Robinson