The main exit is on platform 1, together with the exit via Station Reception and First Aid, plus the exit via the car park. Another exit, leaves the concourse via a passage, whilst a fifth leaves the refreshments area. All these are on the southwest (platform 1) side of the station.
The exit via the slip way towards Praed Street is opposite platform 10. The main exit to the London Underground, Circle and District lines is opposite platform 5, whilst the exit to the London Underground nearest the Bakerloo Line is opposite platforms 11 and 12. Note that platforms 10 - 12 are now included in the gated area so, if you arrive on these platforms, you'll need to go through the gates to reach the entrance to the Underground station. Otherwise, you can walk around the outside of this area to reach the entrance.
The Northeast exit leaves the bridge, near the top of the ramp from platform 9.
There's a new exit from the small bridge, beyond platforms 15 - 16, leading to the new taxi rank. See the Special Notice on the front page of this guide for more information. We'll incorporate full details of this into the guide in due course, please bear with us.
Note, you can pre-book assistance from your train, if you buy your tickets in advance.
People requiring assistance are advised to go to the Station Reception and First Aid office on platform 1. As you enter via the main entrance, turn right, pass the door to British Transport Police, a kiosk and the steps down to the gents toilets. Go through the door, the reception desk is in front of you.
Alternatively, you can request assistance via the Assistance phones on this station.<
Visit our Facilities page for other services of interest.
You can reach the concourse from platforms 1 - 12, by going beyond the front of the arriving train.
Go beyond the front of the arriving train into the concourse, there's tactile paving near the edge of each mainline platform. as you face the concourse, the lower numbered platforms are to your right. Note that platforms 10 - 12 are in the gated area, so you'll need a valid pass or ticket to reach the remainder of the concourse.
Note that the tracks for platforms 11 and 12 extend some distance beyond those of platforms 1 to 9. From platforms 13 - 14, follow the path via platform 12.
From platforms 15 - 16, serving the London Underground Hammersmith & City Line, you have to use the bridge to reach the concourse. The bridge lies about six carriage lengths northwest of the concourse.
This section of the guide will only describe routes via the bridge, which are the only non-trivial options.
The doors open on your right as you face the front of the train.
From the westbound, platform 15, go towards the rear of the train (front from eastbound, platform 16) and locate the steps up to the bridge, in the middle of the island platform. Go up two flights of steps onto the bridge and turn right. Follow the walkway left. The gate line is in front of you with the manual gate to your right and the automatic exits immediately left of this. Go through the gates and turn right onto the main bridge. As you continue you pass, to your left:
For the northeast exit, take the first turning left, go down two steps, turn left and continue to the wall in front of you. You can either turn left here, towards Bishop's Bridge Road, or right towards London Street.
The main bridge is towards the effective northwest end of each of these platforms. There are two flights of steps, from platform 1, 2 - 3, 4 - 5, 6 - 7 and platform 8. Go onto the bridge and turn right.
There's a ramp from platform 9, follow this to the top, turn right, go up three steps and continue forward.
From the bridge, continue to the end (before the walkway veers left) and take the last turning on your right. Go down two steps and turn left.
Follow the path to the wall in front of you. You can either turn left here towards Bishop's Bridge Road, or right towards London Street.
The steps for the bridge are towards the effective northwest end of the platforms. Go up two flights of steps, towards the concourse, onto the bridge and turn right.
Follow the walkway left. The gate line is in front of you with the manual gate to your right and the automatic exits immediately left of this. Go through the gates and turn right onto the main bridge and take the first turning left. Go down two steps and turn left. Follow the path to the wall in front of you. You can either turn left here, towards Bishop's Bridge Road, or right towards London Street.
Go towards the rear of the train and take the turning on your right. Turn left and follow the path which veers left then right, onto platform 13. You're at the front of arriving trains, follow the instructions below.
Go towards the front of the train, locate the steps up to the bridge, in the middle of the island platform. Go up two flights of steps onto the bridge, turn right and follow the walkway left.
The gate line is in front of you with the manual gate to your right and the automatic exits immediately left of this. Go through the gates and turn right onto the main bridge. Take the first turning left, go down two steps, turn left and continue to the wall in front of you. You can either turn left here, towards Bishop's Bridge Road, or right towards London Street.
© 2004, Terry Robinson