From the Main Entrance From the West - National Railway Museum |
To Platforms 1 to 4 To Platforms 5 to 9 To Platforms 10 and 11 |
As you move through the foyer then through the concourse, you'll arrive near the north end of platform 3. Note that platform 3 extends some distance north of the right-hand side of the concourse as you enter the station.
For platform 1, having reached platform 3, turn left, continue beyond the lift and the route to the fire exit, onto the island platform. Platform 1 is to your left. Note that there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.
To reach platforms 2 and 4, turn right on platform 3 and continue, beyond the point where the floor texture changes, onto the island platform. You're now on platform 4, with platform 2 to your right. Note that there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.
Having entered the station from the forecourt, continue through the foyer into the main concourse. We think it would be easiest to turn left, follow the left-hand side to the end then turn right and continue onto the platform. From this corner, you can turn right towards the bridge, or left towards the lift and subway.
If you don't mind subways, I suggest it might be easier to use this route for stairs access to the other platforms, as it's easiest to find, the route itself is easier and probably less crowded. To see what I mean,read about the route from the West - National Railway Museum
Having got onto platform 3, continue, past AMT and the GNER lounge until the left-hand wall retreats. At this point, the lift is in front of you, turn left into the gap and follow this pathway round to your right. You'll cross a metal grid, some more tiled floor then tactile paving before you reach the rail jutting out from the top of the steps to your right. There's tactile paving at the top of the steps. Turn right, go down a flight of steps into the subway and continue forward.
Take the turning right and go up a flight of steps to platform level. Platform 5 is to your right, you're beside coach E of northbound trains. Platform 9 is to your left, past the information kiosk.
To reach platform 6, turn right (180 degrees from the top of the steps and continue, past the lift onto the island platform, after a few metres. Platform 6 is to your right.
To reach platform 7, turn left from the top of the steps and go onto platform 9 then turn left again. Continue for a few metres, onto the island platform, platform 7 is to your left.
To reach platform 8, turn left from the top of the steps, continue to the information kiosk then turn right. Continue, past the display board to the shop, the wall of which will be in front of you or to your left. Turn left before this and follow the wall on your right to the end and turn right. Continue forward from here onto platform 8. Tactile paving marks the start of this platform, there is also tactile paving near the edge, to your right.
Having entered the station from the forecourt, continue through the foyer into the main concourse. We think it would be easiest to turn left, follow the left-hand side to the end then turn right and continue onto the platform. From this corner, you can turn right towards the bridge, or left towards the lift and subway.
If you don't mind subways, I suggest it might be easier to use this route for stairs access to the other platforms, as it's easiest to find, the route itself is easier and probably less crowded. To see what I mean,read about the route from the West - National Railway Museum
Having got onto platform 3, continue, past AMT and the GNER lounge until the left-hand wall retreats. At this point, the lift is in front of you, turn left into the gap and follow this pathway round to your right. You'll cross a metal grid, some more tiled floor then tactile paving before you reach the rail jutting out from the top of the steps to your right. There's tactile paving at the top of the steps. Turn right, go down a flight of steps into the subway and continue forward.
Continue to the end of the subway and turn left, go up two flights of steps to platform level. Platform 10 is to your left and 11 to your right.
This entrance brings you, via several flights of steps onto the west end of the bridge, see the Environs page for more details. The steps throughout the bridge are divided into two sections by central rails, you're asked to keep left.
To Platforms 1 to 4 To Platforms 5 to 9 To Platforms 10 and 11 |
Turn left at the top of the steps and continue to the downward steps in front of you. You may notice an increase in the ceiling height as you pass the steps down to platforms 5 to 9, to either side of you. Go down a flight of steps, there's a cafe in front of you, which used to be the Station Master's office.
For Platforms 1 and 3, turn right and go down two flights of steps to platform level. You're on platform 3, with the track to your right. Continue forward, past the lift and the route to the fire exit, onto the island platform, platform 1 is then to your left. Note there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.
For Platforms 2 and 4, turn left and go down two flights of steps to platform level. You're still on platform 3, with the track to your left. continue forward, past the point where the floor changes texture, onto platform 4, you're now on the island platform. Platform 2 will be on your right. Note that there's no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.
Turn left at the top of the steps, continue past the first turning to either side then take the second. You can turn either left or right, down steps towards these platforms.
In either case, you go down a flight of steps, turn right, continue to the rail in front of you, before turning right again and going down another flight of steps.
Whichever turning you took from the bridge, you arrive on a landing which is five steps above platform level. The right-hand steps lead you onto the landing facing north (with platform 5 to your right), whilst the left-hand steps lead you onto the landing facing south (with platform 5 to your left).
For platforms 5 and 6, go down the five steps, described above, we believe you'd be facing coach D of northbound trains. Turn right and continue, past the steps to the subway and the lift, onto the island platform, where platform 6 will be to your right. Note there is no tactile paving near the edge of these platforms.
For platforms 7 to 9, go down the five steps described above. You're now facing platform 9, which can be reached by continuing straight ahead, through the gap with vending machines in front of you. Once on platform 9, you can turn left and continue, onto the island platform where platform 7 will be to your left. There's tactile paving near the edge of platform7, but not on platform 9.
Turn right from the foot of the steps and continue, towards platform 8, tactile paving marks the start of this platform and there is tactile paving near the track edge, to your right. A row of buildings and wall, with gaps, separates this platform from platform 9.
Turn left at the top of the steps and continue to the first turning to either side. You can turn either right or left, to go down two flights of steps onto the island platform. If you took the right-hand steps, platform 10 would be to your left, you're towards the north end of this island platform. There's tactile paving near each edge.
© 2006, Terry Robinson