
This level includes the Cromdale Hall. The Cromdale Foyer, which lies south of the Hall, can be reached via lift, escalators and stairs from the upper levels. Doors in the east side of the Foyer lead towards the Expanded Facility which will open in May 2013.

To Reach

Via the Main (VIP) Lift

Leave the lift at Level -2. This foyer is smaller than that at higher levels. Turn right and go through the pull door into the Cromdale Foyer. The doors to the Hall are along the left-hand side of this foyer.

Via the Escalators

Turn left from the foot of the escalator and continue into the Foyer. The doors to the Hall are along the wall in front of you.

Via the Main Stairs

Turn right at the foot of the stairs and continue into the Foyer. The doors to the Hall are along the wall in front of you.

The Cromdale Foyer

This is an irregular space running east/west. The doors to the Cromdale Hall are on the north side of this space, the door from the Level -2 VIP Lift Foyer is at the west end, whilst the escalators and stairs are at the south.

North Side, Going East

  wooden counter
wall juts out
double pull doors into Cromdale Hall
sofas and coffee tables
second set of double pull doors into Cromdale Hall
sofas and coffee tables
third set of double pull doors into Cromdale Hall
sofas and coffee tables
blank wall
fourth set of double pull doors into Cromdale Hall
blank wall
planter in corner

Note, the middle two sets of doors are normally the only ones to be used.

East Side, Going South

wall retreats

North Side, Going East

blank wall
single blank door

Continuing East Side, Going South

  doors that will lead into the expanded facility
blank wall
wall juts out
gents toilets, on east side of short passage leading south

South Side, Going West

  passage to gents toilets, mentioned above
wall with sofas
wall juts out

West Side, Going North

  blank wall
water cooler
wall retreats

Continuing South Side

blank wall with sofas and coffee tables
recess to Main Stairs
East Side
  Main Stairs, up east
South Side
  blank wall
West Side, Going North
pillar on right

Continuing South Side, Beyond the Main Stairs, Going West

  foot of escalator, up west
blank wall
blank wall
bins etc
recess to ladies toilets
East Side
South Side
  door to ladies toilets

West Side, Going North

  blank wall
wall retreats west

South Side

  unisex, accessible toilet

Continuing West Side

  blank wall
door towards VIP Lift

Note that there are three pillars in the middle of the foyer, one beside the foot of the Main Stairs, another outside the fourth set of doors to the Hall and the third between the first and second set of doors on the south side of the foyer.

The Cromdale Hall

There are four sets of double doors on the south side, of which only the middle two are normally used.

This is a large exhibition space under which cables can be run, so there may be slight unevenness in the floor.

The walls ar covered by sound deadening curtains. This is a large square room 1200 SQ M with four pillars in the middle and pillars around the sides.

The West Fire Exit leads onto the Western Approach Road there’s another one near the far (northwest) corner and another from the northeast corner. Other fire exits are through the Cromdale Foyer.

Note that delegates would be guided around this space as necessary.



© 2013, Terry Robinson